Morton’s Steakhouse Bar: Best Burger in Singapore

Morton's Burger

“The Morton’s Steakhouse Burger is really good!” My friend Mike told me solemnly. “It’s possibility the best burger in Singapore.”

When he first raved that the best burger in Singapore was from Morton’s Steakhouse Mandarin Oriental Hotel, I was really excited to check it out for myself.

Many people will agree that Morton’s Steakhouse is one of the best steakhouse in Singapore, and I know what you are thinking, Morton’s Steakhouse — the burger? Are you sure about that? The Morton’s Bar has always been known for their weekday happy hour during 5pm – 7pm where there’s free-flow steak sandwich with every order of martini. Just in case you are confused, the Morton’s Burger is available at the Bar (not inside the Steakhouse), from 8pm – 11pm for $25 $30 (usual price $30 $35). *they have recently increased prices.

I am a superficial guy. When it comes to burger, size does matters!

The Morton’s USDA Prime Burger in every aspect, was like the perfect burger. Within the softly toasted bun with freckles of sesame, was a huge beef patty that’s firm and juicy and extremely satisfying. While it didn’t exactly had the melt-in-mouth-effect, the beef patty was pretty close in replicating the religious experience.

The additional cheese and topping completed the making of the perfect burger. I love a good cheesy cheeseburger. You know, a burger just isn’t complete without cheese, and at Morton’s bar, there’s swiss, crumbled blue or cheddar cheese to choose from. Other than the cheese, each burger gets a separate topping in the form of of either crisp bacon, sauteed mushrooms or onions, served with French fries.

I wasn’t sure if I should write about the fries since it’s a very ordinary side found on the plates of almost every western food. But good things are meant to be shared, and you must believe me — the fries were really good!

Morton's Steakhouse Bar

The Four Petite Filet Mignon Sandwiches ($20) pales in comparison to the Morton’s USDA Prime Burger, but that’s not to say that it wasn’t good. With a generous chunk of beef fillet sandwiched in between the bread, it was a good appetizer to kick-start our palate for the best burger in Singapore.

* *  *

// Edited: They have recently increased the prices to $30 (after 8pm) for the burger. I’m not sure if I will pay $30++ for a burger, but you may want to try it out at least once.

Twenty five bucks (before taxes) isn’t cheap for a burger, but considering that there are plenty of mediocre burgers that are going for twenty bucks, I’d gladly pay a little more for this wholesome combination.

My dear friend, this is the best burger in Singapore. To quote mike, it felt like we just swallowed a cinder-block after eating the Morton’s cheeseburger, but we would do it again in a heartbeat.

Restaurant Review
Morton’s The Steakhouse
5 Raffles Avenue 4F
Mandarin Oriental Singapore Singapore
Tel: +65 6339 3740

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