Jian Bo Shui Kueh: The one and only!

Food are always associated with places, like when you think of Laksa, Katong laksa instantly comes into mind. And there are also instances when you passed by a particular place, say Maxwell food centre, i dare say people will remember Tian Tian chicken rice as one of the stalls to go to.

Let’s shift our focus to Tiong Bahru, there are quite a lot of food that can triggered your fond memories, like the Tiong Bahru Lor mee, roast meat, bao, chicken rice and a few others. For some food like Nasi Lemak, you can probably named a few good ones like the Adam road and Punggol ones. But how about Chwee Kueh? When you think of Chwee Kueh, Tiong Bahru immediately comes into mind. This only goes to show how good the Tiong Bahu Chwee Kueh is!


Tetsu II: LIC food event

Welcome to LIC Food event II at Tetsu!

Having the experience of organising my own food outing event at OChaCha previously, this time LIC decided to have the second one at Tetsu. The response has been overwhelming, in fact i think its crazy given its a Tuesday night since people have to work and study. A whopping 51, yes 51 friends joined us for this one.

There will be more thoughts about the event in the next post, The Afterthoughts on Tetsu food event. For now, lets go back to LIC main task, food review!


Fried Kuay Teow Mee

” SINGAPORE – Singapore’s annual inflation rate hit a 25-year high of 6.6 percent in January, according to Department of Statistics (DOS) data released on Monday.

The inflation rate, as indicated by the consumer price index (CPI), was the highest since the 7.5 percent hit in March 1982… “

You must be thinking whether LIC has gone nuts writing food reviews, or you must have step into the wrong place, not quite like your impression of a food blog. Don’t just read the start, you need to finish the story!


Serangoon Gardens Food Centre

Serangoon Gardens is a food haven for all food lovers out there, besides the long stretch of restaurants located there, Chomp Chomp is another name that comes into mind when you think of Serangoon Garden. But no, we are not looking at Chomp Chomp today, there’s another place which is worth a visit, Serangoon Gardens Food Centre!

In case you are wondering where is Serangoon Gardens Food Centre, its near Lorong Chuan, just before turning in into the Serangoon Gardens’ roundabout.


Seng Kee Black Herbal Chicken Soup

Seng Kee Black Herbal Chicken Soup is located just opposite Kembangan MRT station. I happened to chance upon this zi-char restaurant because my friends had cravings for their mee-sua.

So another venture into the east side of Singapore for LIC, as i stay in the west and the east is so far away. But there are simple too much good food in the area, so you will be seeing more food from the east in the future!


Balmoral Bakery

Balmoral Bakery is a very old-school bakery which is evident from the box they use for their bakes. Located at Sunset way, the bakery offers the type of breads and pastries which we grow up together with, but sadly are slowly disappearing from our sight.

Under the “undue” influence of my secret food partner, we jogged from our place to Sunset way, and pay the bakery a visit. She introduced me to Balmoral Bakery as she has been munching on their breads since young.


O Cha Cha III

ladyironchef’s Food Event Outing at Ochacha!

A total of 20 people graced the event, with bloggers, readers of LIC’s blog, and their friends joining us for the green tea appreciation at Ochacha.

There was supposed to be more, about 15 more, but they all last minute had something on, anyway 20′s a big number, considering it’s LIC first time organising an event.


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