Pineapple tart: Calm & Peace

With the world in it’s current chaotic state, the financial crisis which is turning the world around, the Mumbai terrorists attack, the airport saga in Bangkok, who knows what just might happen next. Banks who are supposed to know their stuff, suddenly appeared, like the amateur on the street, not knowing what they are really selling.


Hock Lam Beef: 97th Anniversary and continue going

With more and more of our heritage hawkers getting in their ages, it is difficult for them to continue whip out the delicious food that they have been doing everyday for so many years. And being a hawker isn’t a glamorous job, compared to being a banker, lawyer, teacher or other professionals. Therefore, most of the heritage hawkers don’t any successor, and we risk losing out all the good food, which our future younger generations will not live to eat.


Tiong Bahru Market: Kway Chap

I have been looking for nice kway chap for a while now, but I can’t seem to find them though.My latest hunt brought me to Tiong Bahru Market, a quick glance around resulted in two stores selling kway chap, and i chose this store over the other because this store had a slightly longer queue than the other on that day.


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