Limon restaurant II: LIC food outing

This, was suppose to be done in July, somehow it was dragged till August, but it’s better to be late than never. And like everytime, I had lots of fun chatting with everybody, it’s very interesting to finally meet all the folks who have been quietly reading my blog for the longest time. From online to offline, now I can put a picture to your nick.


Epicurious Cafe III: LIC food outing

Across the big colourful bridge, it is a path to company, fun, and good food on a Saturday afternoon. Thirty-eight of us, chat, laugh, and eat.There was a lucky draw, giving out some free desserts, tapas, pasta & burgers to the lucky few. And for the rest of you all, I’m glad you will not leave the place empty-hand, with the 1-for-1 vouchers.


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