Elijah Pies – Popular Pie Shop Opens A New Baking Studio At King George’s Ave

Elijah Pies

Named after the founder-baker Elijah Tan, Elijah Pies is a popular pie/tart shop which is known for their famous nutella pie.

Elijah Pies

It has opened a new baking studio at 803 King George’s Ave in Lavender and it is located in the same block as Habitat Coffee which has moved there from Upper Thomson Road. Other new additions to the Lavender & Jalan Besar neighbourhoods include Pacto by Parchmen, Glacier and La Levain.


11 Cafes in Lavender That Makes The Old Estate Look Hip And Trendy

Cafes In Lavender

For many, coffee is not just an optional beverage to be had before work—it is a quintessential component for daily survival. And if like us, you require a shot or two of caffeine to get you in the right mood to take on the day, then we have more to share today.

If you have not already realised, Lavender is becoming more and more of a cafe hotspot with more than a dozen coffee joints and eateries springing up in and around the area over the past couple of years. Now a hotbed for the hipster community and quite possibly Singapore’s next cafe capital, there is no way this enclave can remain under the radar for long.

For your much-needed caffeine fix and cafe-hopping pleasure, here are 11 Cafes in Lavender To Check Out.

9 Cafes & Restaurants Along Tyrwhitt Road You Must Visit

Tyrwhitt Road Restaurants

If you are an avid food lover like us, you would understand how hungry we are in our search for new cafes, trendy bars and hidden restaurants. Found in the Lavender district, Tyrwhitt Road is a haven for foodies and you would understand our joy when we laid eyes upon all the cafes and restaurants situated along this street. 

From notable favourites such as The Tiramisu Hero and Chye Seng Huat Hardware, here are 9 Cafes & Restaurants You Must Try Along Tyrwhitt Road.


Big Street Singapore – Liu Sha Prata Bomb With Molten Salted Egg Custard

liu sha prata bombs

Our love for liu sha will never die. The delectable rich ingredient is more than just a passing trend. It has stolen the hearts of generations across Singapore and is present in practically every menu everywhere.

We have seen it buns, crabs, croissants, doughnuts, fries, pizzas, waffles and whatnot. But have you ever had the brined creamy golden lava in a roti prata?

Yes, your eyes are not tricking you. If you have yet to hear, our beloved glorious roti prata has taken on new form at Big Street Singapore and has successfully evolved into an addictive Prata Bomb stuffed with molten salted egg custard.


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