Trekking Holiday – 8 Tips On What To Expect And How To Plan

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Some people travel for food, some people travel for shopping; of course, there are travellers who actually embark on holidays just to trek.

If you have never been on a hiking vacation or are planning for one, it is important to consider various factors to ensure your safety. Investing in quality hiking shoes and protecting yourselves from insects are some to get you started.

Here are 8 Tips on What To Expect and How To Plan For A Trekking Holiday.


There are various forms of altitude sickness and most people do not even know that they actually suffer from it!

Altitude sickness is basically caused from a high ascent and symptoms include exhaustion, hyperventilation and nausea due to oxygen deprivation. It can affect victims from 2,500m and onwards. People do die from worst case scenarios – so please do not take this as a joking matter!



Before heading outdoors, slather on generous amounts of sunblock lotion on both your face and body to shield yourselves from harmful ultraviolet sun rays.

Do bring along sunglasses and a bottle of sunscreen for reapplication. You will be thankful when the scorching sun rays get unbearably blinding and painful.

yushan national park


Map out your hiking route and inform your loved ones about your whereabouts.

There are many guided tours led by experienced tour guides, which is highly recommended for those who are visiting a foreign destination for the first time. Venturing off unchartered terrain could be highly dangerous due to unforeseen obstacles such as wild animals encounters and other hazardous situations.


A multipurpose scarf can protect you from the blazing sun, sudden sandstorm or sudden cold. Of course, bring a long an ultra lightweight thin one so that you could easily stuff it in your bag.




Chances are, there would not be any water coolers for potable water, or shops where you get to buy clean bottled mineral water – so take along a filled water bottle with you to hydrate yourselves from time to time.


Investing in high quality, durable sports shoes is a must. The last thing you want to happen during a strenuous hike is to experience a faulty sole or fall from a slippery path due to poor grip.


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The sun rises and sets at different timings across different countries and different seasons, so take along a mini torchlight just in case you have to find your way in near or complete darkness.


To navigate around, you would need a light and handy backpack to store all your belongings, i.e. water bottle, mini torchlight and scarf.

Refrain from tiny handbags that can hardly put more than a wallet, or overly heavy duffel bags as they can be very cumbersome.

Read: 8 Best Hikes In Asia For Every Adventurous Traveller.