Ya Kun Kaya Toast Singapore Breakfast

Ya Kun Kaya Toast Singapore

My idea of a good breakfast is something like this: start with a bowl of cereal with milk, and proceed on with a scrumptious big breakfast of eggs, ham, sausages, bacon, grilled tomato and sauteed mushrooms. On some days, I’d prefer to have the delightful eggs benedict, accompanied by a stack of pancakes with lots of syrup. Breakfast, like what they say, is the most important meal of the day.

But there are times where I don’t really fancy the English breakfast. Sometimes, all I want is a cup of kopi, two half boiled eggs, and my favorite kaya butter toast. And I usually have the famous Ya Kun Kaya Toast.

Forget about cereal, or eggs benedict, or pancakes, the local Singapore’s Breakfast is Kaya toast and half boiled egg with a cup of coffee.

Some people dislike the raw taste of the half boiled eggs. The key, I think, is to be brave with the soy sauce and white pepper. This is the time to tilt the bottle and pour. Sprinkle the desired amount of soy sauce and pepper. Stir and mix everything well, and gulp down everything in one swift movement. If you really cannot stomach the eggs this way, try having them by dipping the kaya toast in it. I don’t know about you, but it’s quite an experience to have the watery egg (yolk and white), plus the soy sauce and the pepper, mingling inside your mouth. It seems like an experiment that only happens in the laboratory, doesn’t it?

As for the kaya toast, people usually eat them differently. Some like to dip it in the coffee, while others enjoy having them together with the half boiled eggs. Me? I like to have the kaya toast on their own. It’s a very delicious thing for breakfast, tea, or supper.

Best Kaya Toast Singapore

If I didn’t watch myself, I would probably order two or three portions of the delicious kaya toast. Butter and kaya make a lovely combination. But if this is not your type, try the Cheesy French Toast instead.

I’m not going to debate whether Ya Kun Kaya Toast has the best kaya toast in Singapore, not when there are also killiney kopitiam, Chin Mee Chin, Tong Ah Coffee Shop, Good Morning Nanyang Cafe among the contenders for the title. But what I do know is, Ya Kun Kaya Toast isĀ  the most accessible with over 30 outlets in Singapore. This is particularly important if you are lazy like me. When craving strikes, I seriously doubt that I will go all the way to East Coast road for Chin Mee Chin, or Killiney just for the kaya toast.

Which is your favorite place for Kaya Toast in Singapore?

Singapore Food Review
Ya Kun Kaya Toast Singapore
18 China Street #01-01
Far East Square Singapore
Tel: +65 6438 3638