10 Most Instagrammable Desserts From Twenty Grammes – 50% Off Waffle & Bingsu

Twenty Grammes

Happy 2nd birthday, our favourite waffles heaven Twenty Grammes!

Twenty Grammes is a dessert bar that has been so popular since its first outlet in North Bridge Road, and the newer outlet at Ang Mo Kio is no less inviting. They specialise in waffles and ice cream, and that’s pretty much the best things on earth.

In conjunction with their 2nd anniversary this month, Twenty Grammes has rolled out a dessert that is bound to get you excited—Hojicha Soft Serve on Waffle.

Cake Party

And on top of that, we have a really great deal for all of you. From now until 23 December 2016, quote ‘ladyironchef’ to get 50% OFF the second waffle or bingsu (on the lower-priced item) on weekdays.

Here are 10 Most Instagrammable Desserts From Twenty Grammes.


Sugar Lips – New Dessert Cafe In Orchard Road With Rainbow Desserts


Located on the second storey of Orchard Gateway is Sugar Lips – a newly opened dessert parlour that specialises in over-the-top sweet treats.

Quirky and whimsical, we did more than just a double take when walking past this dessert shop. Colourful paint is splashed across the cafe’s concrete floors, walls and exposed pipes.

So, is the food at Sugar Lips worth the damn calories or only worthy of a one-off visit? Read more to find out our verdict on this newest food and beverage addition to Orchard Road.


8 Well-Loved Hipster Food That Are Commonly Found at Cafes

Hipster Cafe Food

Trends come and go, and there are always new fads to love. Cafes are aplenty, and we have no lack of options. There are all kinds of menus, each with their own signatures and special dishes.

But some things stay gold forever, and we welcome them at any time of the day.

Whether it is a slice of rainbow cake or a stack of fluffy pancakes, we’ve noticed the longstanding love culminating in everyone for these hipster foods.

We are rounding up the 8 well-loved hipster food that are commonly found at cafes. They not only make everyone travel to the ends of the island just to satisfy that burning craving, but also get the most likes on Instagram.


Fresh Fruits Lab: Our New Favourite Cafe in The East of Singapore

Fresh Fruits Lab Singapore

We’ve always griped about the fact that cafes are all about unhealthy food that are packed with sins, and all that talk about balanced diets almost does not exist. Most of the time, all we get is some sad-looking arugula on the side that honestly looks less appetising than grass, and we have reached the point of giving up on having our dose of fibre at cafes.

Then, Fresh Fruits Lab (FFL) at Changi Road came along, and we found hope all over again. This cafe is all about inculcating fresh fruits into their food and drinks! Well, as its name suggests, it prides itself as a heaven for all fruits lovers.

Fresh Fruits Lab Cafe

The whole space is fully utilised, with colours everywhere, and very artistic. Quirky displays fill the cafe, and we love how it feels like a hippy laboratory with the many apparatus on display. Even the drinks are served in test tubes and conical flasks!


9 of The Best Rainbow Cakes That You Must Try in Singapore

Fresh Fruits Lab Rainbow Cake

The rainbow cake is a brilliant creation with multi-coloured layers, and if there was a beauty pageant for cakes, the rainbow cake would win hands-down.

Whether you like it or not, this is one cake that will steal the show at a party or draw the crowd to a cafe. We have a simple and easy rainbow cake recipe for those who want to try baking it at home. But for the rest of us who are more talented at eating than baking, here is a list of cafes that serve rainbow cake in Singapore.