Patty & Bun – The Best Burger Restaurant In London

Patty & Bun London

Ask us what our favourite burger restaurant in London is and we’d tell you Patty & Bun in a heart beat.

We’ve never been surer about a burger; we’ve almost never felt as strongly for any other burgers. Patty & Bun in London is where the real deal is.

Conveniently located in multiple spots in London such as White City, Liverpool and Marble Arch, Patty & Bun’s burgers will leave you salivating for more.


Big Easy in Covent Garden – The Other Burger & Lobster You Didn’t Know About

Big Easy Lobster

We found a lobster shack that can rival Burger and Lobster in London, and it is Big Easy.

Conveniently located in Covent Garden, this hippie restaurant is truly a hidden gem. Despite its proximity to the heart of Covent Garden where The Apple Market is, Big Easy is actually pretty unassuming from its exterior.

And that’s why we’re here with this PSA which you should appreciate: Big Easy is truly the other Burger & Lobster you wish you knew about earlier.


The Muffin Man – Old-School Tea Room With Best Scones in London

Muffin Man London

Have you heard? The Muffin Man has the best scones in London!

The Muffin Man is an old-school English tea shop that serves a variety of breakfast dishes, rustic cakes and scones. You might have seen this name on Instagram before, because it is a highly popular joint, especially among Singaporeans and Indonesians.

Indeed, it is one of those places that you must dine at at least once in your lifetime.


14 of Our Favourite Food Places In London

Heston Blumenthal Dessert

If you want to get fat, go to London. The British city has cuisines from all over the world, and the sheer number of options is mind-boggling to say the least.

Meal times are never dull when in London, and we always look forward to the next meal because our list of places to check out never ends.

Getting this done was hard, because it is hard to point down to just one or two favourites. But here’s a Guide to 14 of Our Favourite Food Places in London; first-timers to London should visit all of these to have a fair glimpse of what London can offer!


London’s Best Roast Ducks – Four Seasons, New Fortune Cookie Or Gold Mine

London Best Roast Duck

London is synonymous with good food, and where the Chinese community is concerned, roast ducks are a must when in the British city.

Sure, there are many upmarket Chinese restaurants serving exquisite Chinese cuisine and dimsum, but most would agree that when in London, nothing beats the comfort of a plate of roast duck and a bowl of egg fried rice in a relatively old-school Chinese-looking eatery complete with (gaudy) red and gold decor.

So London has three very famous names when it comes to roast duck – Four Seasons Roast Duck, New Fortune Cookie and Gold Mine. These three are the most talked about restaurants, but which exactly is the crème de la crème?

We’ve been to all three many times on numerous occasions, and this is our humble take on the best roast ducks in London.


Dishoom – The Sexiest Indian Restaurant In London

Dishoom London

It is no secret that Dishoom is our favourite Indian restaurant in London. Sexy and charming, Dishoom should be on everyone’s bucket list when visiting London. No other Indian restaurants come close.

While there are many other great Indian restaurants in London, Dishoom is the one you should visit if you only have time for one.

Dishoom Courtyard

Queues are part of the restaurants’ characteristics, and during peak hours, be prepared to wait up to an hour for a table. And we are telling you go queue anyway, because hell yeah, a meal there is better than ten other Indian meals elsewhere.


15 Best London Cheap Meals For £10 And Under

London Cheap Meals Guide

London is the amazing British city where people from all walks of life move over to to call that place home. Being one of the finest in the world, London is a dream destination with so much to offer.

However, living in London can be very expensive and dining out would mean taking a toll on your wallets. For locals, they cook a lot at home. For holiday goers, do you always think twice about stepping into a restaurant and ordering just everything that looks good on the menu, but eventually giving up that thought entirely because everything costs a bomb?

Yes, you are not alone. Eating in London can be an extremely costly affair and we are here to help. Having combed the city for great finds, here are London’s Best Cheap Meals For £10 And Under.


35 Reasons To Love London

London Travel

“It is difficult to speak adequately or justly of London. It is not a pleasant place; it is not agreeable, or cheerful, or easy or exempt from reproach. It is only magnificent.”

Simply only magnificent, and nothing less indeed.

London is our favourite city in the world, and it is a favourite for many too. It is not difficult to understand why, for the British city has so much to offer and is so very live-able. Wake up to amazement every day, live it up like the Brits, and go to bed each night thanking all your lucky stars that you are in London.

London Trafalgar

Here are 35 reasons to love London, and it is but the tip of the ice berg. You have to set foot in that part of the world to understand why it is home for so many.


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