How To Make Easy And Chewy 3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies With Peanut Butter, An Egg & Sugar


The Circuit Breaker has turned many of us into bakers; the shelves at the baking section in supermarkets are completely barren and everyone has been posting their freshly-baked creations on their respective social media platforms.

If you want to hop onto the baking bandwagon but don’t know the difference between all-purpose flour and self-raising flour, don’t give up! Start with our 3-ingredient peanut butter cookie recipe to give yourself the motivation to try bigger projects in the future. The Circuit Breaker period is the best time to pick up a new skill, and this could be it.

All you need for this simple recipe is peanut butter, sugar, an egg and a little bit of patience.


15 Culinary Hacks Every Millennial Should Know To Survive Adulthood

Culinary Life Hacks for Millenials

Asian millennials like us are constantly reminded of how incredibly fortunate we are.

Growing up, we rely on our parents and domestic helpers who were able to prepare food for us whenever we wanted and somewhere along the line we just got too used to the motion of things. Now that adulthood is drawing close, many of us will eventually have homes of our own and it is crucial that we possess some form of cooking skills to get by with.

Fret not, because cooking is a lot easier than it sounds, so here are a few tips and tricks you can adopt to make cooking fuss-free and simple.