Cafe Onion Anguk – Popular Hanok-Style Cafe In Seoul With Amazing Bakes And Coffee

Cafe Onion Anguk

Cafe Onion at Seongsu-dong is one of our all-time favourite cafes in Seoul and they have another outlet at Anguk-Dong which is just a short walk from Anguk Station and Bukchon Hanok Village.

For those of you who are not familiar with the cafe scene in Seoul, Cafe Onion is a popular cafe which is best known for its amazing array of bread and pastries.

Cafe Onion Entrance

Cafe Onion Anguk Entrance

While Cafe Onion Seongsu is a chic industrial-themed cafe with an open rooftop terrace, Cafe Onion Anguk is housed in a traditional Korean Hanok and it has a completely different decor and vibe.

Cafe Onion Anguk-dong

We got there before 10am and we got a table easily. But from what we understand from our friends and followers who have visited Cafe Onion Anguk, there is always a queue at Cafe Onion Anguk in the afternoon and the wait is at least 30 minutes.

Cafe Onion Bread Display

Cafe Onion Bread

Cafe Onion has an in-house bakery and all the bread and pastries are freshly baked on premise. The staff is constantly bringing out new trays of baked goods so you can enjoy them fresh from the oven.

Cafe Onion Pandor

The Pandor, one of the signature bakes at Cafe Onion, is a pastry topped off lavishly with icing sugar.

Cafe Onion Coffee

Coffee is serious business here too and you can expect top-notch cuppa to go along with your pastries. There is a selection of coffee (prices range from 5,000 won to 6,800 won) and beverages including juices and tea.

Cafe Onion Anguk Interior

The cafe space for dine-in is divided into two areas. Diner will have to remove their shoes at the area with Korean tatami mats and low tables.

Cafe Onion Anguk Dong Interior

Alternatively, you can get a seat at the area with the regular tables without taking off your shoes.

Cafe Onion Dessert

If you are not planning to explore Seongsu-dong which is further away from the city area, we highly recommend making a trip to Cafe Onion Anguk as the location is much more accessible.

It is definitely a must-visit cafe when you are in Seoul.

Cafe Onion Anguk
Tel: +82 70 7543 2123