Springleaf Prata Place Celebrates 4-0 Liverpool Win Over Barca By Giving 4 Free Prata



No, let’s make that four. Their victorious win over F.C. Barcelona at Anfield last night brought them to the Champion’s League finals. It was a pretty unexpected results, especially when MoSalah and Firmino didn’t even play.

As Real Madrid fans ourselves, we couldn’t be more pleased with this results. But it seems the owner of Springleaf Prata Place—who’s an Everton supporter—takes this victory even more seriously!

For today, Springleaf Prata Place will be giving away 4 free kosong prata to Liverpool fans!

Springleaf Umami Prata

Springleaf Prata Place has 5 outlets in Singapore. As long as you turn up at any one of the 5 outlets in a Liverpool jersey today, be treated to 4 pieces of prata kosong!

This is, however, only applicable to the first 10 people per outlet.

The miraculous comeback by Liverpool F.C. is certainly one that calls for celebration, and unless you are a F.C. Barcelona fan (sucks to be you), the English team’s splendid performance well deserves recognition from all over the world.

Good one, Springleaf Prata Place. Well played.