15 MUST-TRY Korean Street Food

Korean Street Food

Strolling along the streets of Seoul means feasting on Korean Street Snacks non-stop. The sheer number of push cart stalls is mind-boggling, and we found ourselves eating along the way, every day. Well, that is only because there are so many kinds of awesome street snacks and we really coudn’t resist but try them one by one.

You know, that satisfaction you get when you have conquered all the street snacks there are so that you can earn bragging rights.

But we prefer to tempt. We had a ball of time trying all these irresistible Korean Street Snacks That You Must Try When in Korea, and we bet our last dollar you wish you could lick your screen now.


Korean Spicy Rice Cake


Arguably the number 1 Korean street food, Tteokbokki (also known as ddeokbokki or dukboki) is made of soft rice cake, fish cake and sweet chilli sauce. If it is your first time to Korea, you must try this. It is a very quintessential Korean dish.

Japchae Bulgogi


Old-fashioned goodness. Just old-fashioned goodness that even the locals are obsessed with. A plate of piping hot beef bulgogi always works for us, and we are totally for the idea of doing it the messy way; just hold your plate and stand by the stall to eat. Sometimes, these bulgogi stalls sell japchae (stir-fried Korean sweet potato noodles) too.

Korean Kogo

Korean Corn Dog


Probably one of the most sinful street snacks, but we have selective awareness and it activates every time we chance upon a stall that sells these gorgeous Corn Dogs. Quite essentially sausages wrapped in bread/ batter, then deep-fried to a golden brown, Corn Dogs are so bloody awesome. Best eaten with ketchup!



God knows why the world loves them Dried Cuttlefish! Stalls that sell these are everywhere, and for some unbeknownst reason, these dehydrated cuttlefish are totally nothing special but everyone just needs to have one helping when in Seoul!

Egg Bread


Simple, unadulterated joy; that is what Korean’s Egg Bread is all about. Typically priced at just W2,000, the Egg Bread is widely enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike. These can be found almost all over Seoul for they are among the most popular street snacks, and we kid you not when we say we ate one every day during our time in Seoul.

Fried Shrimp


This is another of those nothing-special-but-we-love-them snack. Well, it ain’t just us. There is a reason why so many stalls sell this street snack. Just because they are good ol’ prawns coated in a savoury batter, and munching on them while sightseeing is just more enjoyable.

Crazy Ice Cream Cone

Korean Ice Cream


This is your Instagram’s best friend. We promise this photogenic cone will get you more likes than usual. These ice cream cones come in a few flavours, and are averagely 32cm tall; well, because one scoop of ice cream is just not enough to please us anymore.



Yes, this is really what we all know as sushi, or to be more specific, maki rolls. Kimbap is the Korean version, usually bigger in size and each roll makes one serving portion. Stuffed with pickles and selected meats, Kimbap is fuss-free but oh-so-comforting.



On first look, you would probably dismiss it. How exciting can maize get, right? But that is when we are all wrong. God knows why the Koreans are blessed with better creativity, but these peeps actually grill their maize with the simplest of ingredients and produce the tastiest maize! Think honey, butter and cheese. Just like that, we were sold.

Potato Chip on Stick

Korean Potato Chips


Potato chips of a different league; that’s all. These amazingly cute snacks are a hot favourite, and there are many stalls in Korea that sell them. Every stick is effectively one potato sliced with a specialized slicer, then coated with seasoning before being deep-fried. Just don’t think about calories; eat it.



Roasted Chestnuts might be an ubiquitous snack but that is not gonna stop Koreans from loving it. Their fragrance always stop us in our tracks and eating a pack in winter is exceptionally heartwarming.

Korean Sausage


Yes, yes and yes. Because we all love those chunky, meaty treats. They come in all sorts of flavours – black pepper, cheese, whatever. Honestly, almost any flavour is possible. And the Koreans sure love theirs with chilli!


Another form of simple pleasure is the Korean-style Yam Chips that they sell by the road side. Typically served in a cup, fresh yams are shredded, then deep-fried to provide that distinct crunch.



Comfort food at its best, Jajangmyeong (or better known as zha jiang mian) is something that you can eat any time of the day. It is a noodle dish doused in thick minced pork sauce and vegetables.

Banana Milk


Alright, this is not exactly by the streets, but they are widely available at convenience stores and supermarkets. You have to try this Banana Milk; we know many of you Singaporeans are big fans of it like we are, yes? Together, we celebrate our love for this simplicity as such.

For more recommendations, read our guide on the best places in Seoul.