Rabbit Carrot Gun Singapore

Rabbit Carrot Gun

With a tongue-in-cheek name like Rabbit Carrot Gun, it is hard not to do a double take when we passed this watering hole along East Coast Road. Like its name suggests, Rabbit Carrot Gun does not take things too seriously. The menu is full of quirky dishes that fortunately turned out fairly well.

The casserole of Mushrooms ($14.90), described on the menu as crème fraiche on toasted brioche, poached egg & balsamic is a delicious, creamy concoction of fragrant, earthy mushrooms slowly simmered in a delicate cream sauce. The golden yolk stirred into the dish gave this a luxurious touch.

Warm Caramelized Onion Tartlet

If we can overlook the amount of oil that went into making the warm caramelized onion tartlet ($13), we would have appreciated this dish a lot more. The candy-sweet onions came in a generous portion atop a flaky tart, and then topped with a dollop of strikingly pink of beetroot pesto that enlivened the dish.

Rhubarb and Ginger Crumble

We could not resist the sound of a Rhubarb and Ginger Crumble ($11.50), but it was unfortunate that this temptation resulted in the meal ending on a sour note, literally. We cringed on the first bite, and did not like that it left an odd aftertaste. The slipshod preparation of this dish was a far cry from their savoury dishes. The ice cream which came specked with vanilla beans, appeared promising, but reeked of mediocrity.

We love the chill-out vibe and the enthusiastic service of this little gem of a café. A downside of this place is the lack of air-conditioning, which can be frustrating for the heat-intolerant. But the expatriates living in the area seem to be enjoying this new addition, for they throng the place in bermudas in the evenings and on weekends for brunch.

And you’re probably as curious as we were about the name. Apparently the idea comes from the game scissors-paper-stone. So next time instead of playing scissors-paper-stone, why not try rabbit-carrot-gun instead?

Rabbit Carrot Gun
49 East Coast Road
Tel: +65 6348 8568
Tue to Sun: 8am – 12 Midnight
Nearest Station: Eunos
Words and photographs by Sarah Lim