Red Star Restaurant

Red Star is a very old, conventional chinese restaurant, located at chin swee road (some way behind people’s park). Its at level 7 of a old building just above the chin swee HDB office. Funny place to have a restaurant you will say, but when we reach there at 1pm, it is fully crowded. Having been to Red Star when i was young many many years back, i was relatively surprise when my colleagues want to go to Red Star for our farewell lunch. Red Star is still going strong after so many years.

A traditional Chinese Dim-sum restaurant with the trolley-pushing the dim-sum around, the waitress will push the trolley around with the dim-sum. Nowadays most dim sum restaurants does not do that anymore, it is usually ticking off the form of what dim-sum you want, and the waitress will bring it to you.

We had egg tarts, har-gau, siew-mai, cheong fun, char shao siew, glutinous rice in lotnus leaf, fried bean curd, fried prawn rolls, steamed pork ribs, century egg congee. The dim sum is quite good and simple. For desserts we had mango puddings and gui lin gao. No pictures were taken cos i did not bring my ixus with me.

Between the 9 of us, we had 41 plates of dim-sum, total bill comes up to $161.40 for nine person, which is like $18 for one person. Price quite reasonable i guess, each plate of dim-sum is about $2.80. Service-wise, it can be faster, but mayb there is too much people so they took a bit slower. We were like staring at each other waiting for more dim-sum to come.

Service rating

#07-2354 Chin Swee Road, 160054
Tel: 65325266/ 65325103  

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