7 Travel Costs Reduction Tips That You Probably Did Not Know About

Travel Tips

The biggest setback most travellers face is usually finance related. But did you know that there are many ways you can cut back on the seemingly hefty amount? All you need is to channel a little more energy and you will be surprised by how the amount of money you can save!

From buying unwanted tickets at heavily discounted prices to getting free accommodation, travelling is now made so much more affordable than before. We want to share with you useful travel tips on how you can still board the plane to your dream city.

So without further ado, here are 7 Useful Travel Costs Reduction Tips That You Probably Did Not Know About!


5 Ways A Solo Trip Will Change Your Life Forever

How solo travel will change you

For me, travelling has always been all about the experiences. I may be visiting the same places and sampling the same food as my friends, but because we view the world through different lenses, what’s significant to me may not have as profound an impact on someone else.

Of course, traveling in a group has its perks, but it’s a completely different ballgame when you’re on your own. Loneliness is a feeling we all abhor. No one wants to be isolated and all alone, especially while overseas, when you don’t know a single soul.

But get this: a solo trip doesn’t necessarily mean a lonely trip – that’s a misconception we’ve got to tear down. You may be traveling by yourself, but there will be a whole bunch of fellow globetrotters and locals you can hang out with if you just put yourself out there and be open to whoever comes across your path. Don’t worry about people perceiving you as a ‘loner’ just because you’re dining by yourself. I admit, it can be pretty daunting at first. But you’re in an exciting new country – just shake it off, let loose and enjoy yourself.

If that isn’t convincing enough, here are 5 reasons how a solo trip can change your life.


Why You Should Quit Your Unhappy Job And Travel

Palm Tree

If you clicked on this article, chances are, you are a 20-something or 30-something full-time employee who feels like you’ve been tolerating the humdrum 9-to-6 life for far too long.

So here’s an idea: quit. Then pack your bags, and go travelling. Yes, make that drastic decision, be a little daredevil – you won’t regret it. Let me tell you why you should quit your unhappy job and travel.