Why The Fullerton Hotel Singapore Proved To Be A Top Choice for Wedding Banquets

Fullerton Hotel Wedding

There are so many criteria to picking the right venue. For one, it must be able to accommodate your desired number of guests. Some venues are suitable for a small-scale wedding; some have ballrooms that are so huge they can sit your entire clan.

For most weddings in Singapore, they are held in the ballrooms of hotels. This is mostly to accommodate bigger groups. The ambience of hotel ballrooms plays a big part in creating the mood for such a grand event too.

Fullerton Wedding

We picked The Fullerton Hotel Singapore for many reasons, with the primary reason being its rich history. Being patriotic Singaporeans ourselves, we had wanted something iconic of Singapore to hold our wedding at, and The Fullerton Hotel couldn’t have been a better choice.


Highlights of #BradMelWedding & Tips on How To Plan a Wedding

Brad Mel Wedding

So the planning for the Big Day starts. And you are suddenly overwhelmed by the list of to-dos. And you are frightened because you’ve heard too many horror stories about weddings gone wrong and whatnot.

You start panicking. Panicking because you don’t know how and where to start. But let us share something with you based on our own experience and from our recent wedding – there is no such thing as a perfect wedding. No matter how well-planned everything is, something will go wrong. And it is only normal. Just remember – this one-day affair will only be beautiful because you and your partner are ready to embrace a life together ahead.

We are beyond grateful for the presence of so many of our family members and closest friends for our wedding weekend, and with that, we share the highlights of our wedding, as well as tips on planning a wedding.

Thank you to every single one of you who made #BradMelWedding possible!


Creme Maison Bakery – The Dessert Table Expert in Singapore

Creme Maison Dessert Table

Dessert tables are all the rage these days for all events, and no event is complete without an attention-grabbing spread of desserts.

Because we are such suckers for desserts ourselves, we needed a massive dessert table on both days of our weddings. That was pretty much a prerequisite of #BradMelWedding, and it was something we placed much emphasis on for we knew it wouldn’t just be us who would get all excited over a table of colourful sweets.

Planning this wasn’t difficult at all with Creme Maison Bakery, who knew exactly how a dessert table should be done. Tell them your requirements and preferred desserts and they will bring a wonderland to your wedding. Well, they did for ours.