18 Bars In Singapore That Deliver Bespoke Cocktails Islandwide For Happy Hour At Home

Islandwide Cocktail Delivery Cover Photo

Now that everyone’s home, most bars in Singapore have had no choice but to close temporarily. But, just because their shutters are down doesn’t mean their cellar doors and alcohol cabinets are closed.

These bars in Singapore are all ready to send over some of their cocktails to your doorstep for those nights when you just want to loosen up a little. Even if you’re not feeling wound up, these cocktails would make great additions to any intimate family celebrations at home.

We’ve rounded up 18 bars in Singapore that are delivering their cocktails islandwide during the circuit breaker!


PISCO South American Kitchen & Bar Singapore


Very often, we are strapped of choices when it comes to dining at tourists’ attractions. The restaurants are either too expensive, or the food just isn’t good altogether. Sometimes, they are not family-friendly, and kids have nothing suitable to eat. But being here in Singapore means we do not have to worry about all that, because we have trusty establishments to always bring the bests to us.


The newly opened PISCO South American Kitchen & Bar at Resorts World Sentosa is one that has made it to our chart of best family-friendly restaurants. Managed by Deliciae Hospitality Management in partnership with Resorts World Sentosa, this 76-seat outlet sits in the heart of the Integrated Resort.

Dishing out quality South American food, PISCO resembles a carnival – the happy colours of the interior and furnishing make it a joy to dine at, and has an extensive menu that is sure to whet everyone’s appetite. Here are some of their signatures, and our favourites from the menu.


Beginners Guide to Classic Cocktails

Cocktail Guide

A classic cocktail is defined as a cocktail that originated before the end of Prohibition in the United States in 1934. As with most cocktails, the origins are hazy, and many (recipes) have since evolved over the years with each bartenders’ rendition. One thing remains: the most important factor of a classic cocktail is quality.

Have you ever thought about what goes into that drink in your hand? What defines a classic cocktail? How do you differentiate a classic cocktail from cocktails?

This beginners guide to classic cocktails explains some of the most classic cocktails from six main spirits—brandy, gin, rum, tequila, vodka and whiskey.