Editor’s Note November & December 2013


In a blink, we are at the last few weeks of 2013, and while we are still catching up with our breath and absorbing all the good things that we have experienced and been blessed with, it is time to set in to the festive mood.

Year end is always our favorite, for there is so much to give thanks, celebrate and rejoice. For the next two months, we will be working hard to conclude the year with many exciting Christmas happenings. Look out for an enthralling list of guides and restaurant features, special promotions and more travel snippets if you are jetting off for the holidays of the year or planning your new year’s trip!

Many tantalizing Christmas meals and enjoyment awaits,  and to beat the crowd and early as it may be, we wish you a very jolly and merry christmas ahead!

Ladyironchef is an independent and stand-alone company with no affiliation with any blogging company and management. We are truly humbled by your support and faith, and we will always work hard to bring you the best, the latest and the truest in the glorious worlds of Food, Travel and Lifestyle. Join us on our journey – on instagramtwitter and facebook – as we share with you the finest things in life.

Editor’s Note October 2013

Spa Feature

To us, spa treatments are not an indulgence, but a necessity in life – albeit a more extravagant one. We are always on a lookout for the best spas, not just in Singapore but regionally, too. For the month of of October, we will be focusing on Spa and Wellness, letting you in to the better ones we have discovered lately here in Singapore and in Bali. Look out for our beginners’ guide on spa treatments to equip you with the basic knowledge and to prep first-timers with an overview of what to expect and look out for.

From the traditional Balinese massage, to a relaxing Swedish massage therapy, to deep tissue massage and Thai massage, there are different massage therapies to cater to everyone’s different needs. But spa is not just about massages – it encompasses extensive ranges of treatments that focus on and treat the entire body. In addition to massages, there are also facials, body wraps, and scrubs. A good spa treatment can not only help you relax from your hectic lifestyle, it can also rid the body of toxins, and to rejuvenate the body, mind and soul.

We are really enthralled to share with you all that we have experienced from the various spa houses! And if you have any discoveries and/ or enquiries, drop us a mail!

Ladyironchef is an independent and stand-alone company with no affiliation with any blogging company and management. We are truly humbled by your support and faith, and we will always work hard to bring you the best, the latest and the truest in the glorious worlds of Food, Travel and Lifestyle. Join us on our journey – on instagramtwitter and facebook – as we share with you the finest things in life.

Editor’s Note September 2013


Ever since we took the approach of having a thematic feature every month, we have widened our reach and appealed to many with specific interests. As busy as we can get, we are truly pleased to be able to share so many good things in life with all of you.

As we settle in with a new month, we just want to take some time and relish our love for food and travel. For the month of September, we will revisit some of our favourite topics and areas of interests, and share anything and everything about good food and enlightening travels. Readers who have been asking me about the newer dining places and hubbubs in Singapore, do look forward to some of this month’s articles.

Ladyironchef is an independent and stand-alone company with no affiliation with any blogging company and management. We are truly humbled by your support and faith, and we will always work hard to bring you the best, the latest and the truest in the glorious worlds of Food, Travel and Lifestyle. Join us on our journey – on instagramtwitter and facebook – as we share with you the finest things in life.

Editor’s Note August 2013

Singapore Flyer

Singapore’s National Day is just a week away, and in conjunction with the nation’s birthday, we will be featuring the best things that our country has to offer. There will be postcard posts on some of the iconic attractions and places, as well as guides on local food, shopping, and things to do in Singapore.

It has often been said that there is nothing much to do in Singapore, and in our opinion, it is not a fair statement. Singapore is like wine – you have to learn about her slowly in order to appreciate her. We hope that with this month’s feature, everyone will have a better understanding of Singapore, and get to explore and rediscover the sunny island.

Ladyironchef is an independent and stand-alone company with no affiliation with any blogging company and management. We are truly humbled by your support and faith, and we will always work hard to bring you the best, the latest and the truest in the glorious worlds of Food, Travel and Lifestyle. Join us on our journey – on instagramtwitter and facebook – as we show you the best of Singapore.

Editor’s Note June 2013

Cherry Blossom

With two back-to-back work trips, May flew by just like that, and we are already saying hello to June. To many typical Singaporean families, June is a jolly month because the kids are on holidays and travelling is only possible at periods as such. Well, even if you are swinging single, why not pamper yourself with a shopping holiday? For couples, you would have even more options because there are just too many spots on the globe to cover.

In the month of April, my theme was Travel, and I shared various travel-related articles that were all so well-received. We are truly humbled by the overwhelming response, and because we are still seeing the world as we write, we have so much more to share. And since we are still getting many travel-related emails, ladyironchef is going to do an encore this June and bring back the hubbub about Travel.

This time round, except more city overviews, eating spots around the world and staycation features within Singapore. Whether you already have trips planned, or looking to do a last minute getaway, we hope our articles will ignite the wanderlust bug in you and get you off to a fulfilling month of seeing the world.

Remember – the world is your oyster. Have a splendid June! Join us on our journey – on instagramtwitter and facebook – as we travel around the world.

Editor’s Note May 2013

Latte Art

Few things could be more idyllic than sitting in a nice cafe, sipping on a cup of aromatic coffee, and reading your favourite book. The good news is, nowadays, there are plenty of places to get a cup of good coffee. The coffee trend in Singapore is picking up, with new indie cafes opening up every month.

In order to get a better picture, we must understand more about the first, second and third wave coffee movements. We had a quick chat with Ryan Kieran Tan – from Strangers Reunion, who is also Singapore National Barista Champion 2011, 2012 & 2013 – on this topic.

“The first wave of coffee took place when Italian migrants introduced espresso to the world, and the second was due to the rapid expansion of big coffee chains such as Starbucks and Peet’s that made coffee widespread. We are currently in the third wave of coffee where there is a movement to produce high-quality coffee. Coffee-speciality cafes are sourcing their beans from farms, and consumers are starting to appreciate and have a deeper understanding of what goes into a good cup of coffee.”

This month, we will be telling you where to find the best coffee joints in town. For those of you who always aspire to be a barista, we will be asking cafe owners to share some insights on how you can work towards your dream. Also, you can expect articles on things that you should know about coffee, and how to make coffee. Before we get started, you can read our Beginners Guide to Coffee.

Join us on our journey – on instagramtwitter and facebook – as we search for the perfect roast.

Editor’s Note April 2013


Travelling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

I have always advocated seeing the world because there are no nother ways to educate and better yourself than to get out of your comfort zone and be awed by the vast horizons and boundless skies of the world.

In 2012, I vowed to visit a city once a month, I accomplished it, and was beyond pleased with myself. 2013 has kick-started well with a few trips by far, and a few more planned for the next quarter. In the month of April, we celebrate travelling, because we all deserve to learn.

Expect articles on travelling on a budget, where to stay, packing tips, places to eat and postcards from the cities worth visiting. I am a voyager, and I will always want to be one. You can, too. Here’s to leading a fulfilling life and seeing the world to enrich ourselves.

Have a happy April!

Editor’s Note January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!

2012 was a very fulfilling year for ladyironchef. We launched our new design (thanks to the folks from Prodd), we introduced new sections on Food, Travel, Shopping and Lifestyle, we saw budding writers through their contributions of guests posts – just to name a few. And all these wouldn’t have been possible without your continual support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of ladyironchef’s journey in 2012 – each and every one of you. With the new year, we strive to work even harder to share all the awesomeness in life with you.

This year, ladyironchef adapts a thematic approach in delivering features on a monthly basis. They serve as better guides and references, and brings the best of promotions and highlights to you. January has been pretty happening for us, and we have been going around sampling Chinese New Year (CNY) menus from various invitations. We may have reluctantly bade farewell to turkeys and log cakes, but we can always anticipate Lo Hei. In this month, we will be talking about CNY exclusives and specials from all over Singapore. Do look out for these special posts, and get excited about family dinners and massive feasting! You know that diets can wait till festive seasons are over, right?

Here’s to eating more good food in 2013!

Once again, thank you for your support. Join us in our journey – on instagram, twitter and facebook – as we stuff ourselves silly everyday.