Coffee Cube Latte Recipe – How To Make Coffee Cube Latte With Just 3 Ingredients

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Coffee cube latte is a unique twist on your usual iced coffee, and can be made as a morning or early afternoon pick-me-up. We actually prefer this to regular iced coffee, because the coffee does not get watered down as we continue drinking. When the coffee cubes melt, the taste only becomes richer.

If you’re like us and you find it hard to survive without a cuppa in the morning, this recipe’s for you. Especially when we live in such a humid environment, a cold cup of coffee is just what we need to start the day well.

This fuss-free coffee cube latte recipe just needs 10 minutes of your time and 3 ingredients that you can easily find at home.


How To Make Easy And Chewy 3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies With Peanut Butter, An Egg & Sugar


The Circuit Breaker has turned many of us into bakers; the shelves at the baking section in supermarkets are completely barren and everyone has been posting their freshly-baked creations on their respective social media platforms.

If you want to hop onto the baking bandwagon but don’t know the difference between all-purpose flour and self-raising flour, don’t give up! Start with our 3-ingredient peanut butter cookie recipe to give yourself the motivation to try bigger projects in the future. The Circuit Breaker period is the best time to pick up a new skill, and this could be it.

All you need for this simple recipe is peanut butter, sugar, an egg and a little bit of patience.


Banana Chocolate In A Mug Recipe – How To Make This Sweet Treat In Just 5 Minutes

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This Banana Chocolate in a mug receipe is definitely one of our favourite breakfast recipes, and one of the easiest to make. Whether you’re looking for a quick breakfast because you woke up late, or you’re just not in the mood to make a fancy breakfast, this Banana Chocolate In A Mug recipe is perfect for you.

We also recommend making this sweet treat if you need a little pick-me-up at any time of the day. Maybe you’re falling asleep in the middle of typing away on your laptop while you’re working from home. You can also make it to celebrate the end of the workday. Trust us, any treat with chocolate in it is quite literally the best. And it takes only 5 minutes to make, with ingredients that you can easily find at home? Whaaat?

Without further ado, here is the Banana Chocolate In A Mug recipe.


10 Cookie Delivery Spots In Singapore That Are Just Too Sweet For Us To Resist

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Riddle us this: Who doesn’t adore desserts? Especially desserts filled with chocolatey goodness. Yeah, we’re talking about cookies. Gosh, hearing that already makes our sweet tooth crave for those sugary, decadent treats.

Cookies are quite literally one of the best stay-home treats, and we believe that all of you deserve to treat yourselves, especially during this time of uncertainty. Trust us, ordering in cookies to accompany your Netflix binges as you laze around on the couch? One of the best feelings ever.

From homegrown cookie brands such as Spatula & Whisk and Old Seng Choong, to world-famous chains such as Ben’s Cookies and Famous Amos, we have something for everyone. Why not get them for your friends too? They’ll thank you later. Here are 10 cookie delivery spots in Singapore serving sweet treats that are just too decadent for us to resist.


6 Ways To Help Revive Singapore’s Economy After The End Of The Circuit Breaker


The day we’ve all been restlessly waiting for has come, and Singapore has finally exited the Circuit Breaker.

However, before we dash out of our homes in euphoria and attempt to carry out every single activity we’ve been waiting to do, we need to understand that our lives from now onwards will be a long stretch from what it previously used to be like.

As we rev our engines and restart our work towards normalcy, we have to remember that our society isn’t the same place that we left behind before we entered the Circuit Breaker.

Our economy is in shambles and Singapore will be entering a recession this year. A dark, ominous cloud looms above our heads, fuelled by a significant amount of uncertainty, especially over the duration and intensity of the period. Singapore’s GDP growth forecast for 2020 has been revised downwards to -7% to -4%, the lowest in Singapore’s history.

How long will we be stuck in this rut? How bad will it be? What can we do moving forward to prevent things from getting worse?

While you may think of yourself as a small speck in Singapore’s 5.6 million population, every effort counts and we all need to work together to save our little red dot. Don’t know where to start? Here are 6 ways in which you can contribute to getting Singapore back on her feet.


Stärker Bistro May Potentially Be Closed Down After 10 June 2020


COVID-19 has left Singapore’s F&B industry in a catastrophic mess, especially after dining out was banned during the Circuit Breaker period. Eateries have been struggling to make ends meet and despite many of them still allowing takeaway or delivery, it is not always enough.

So, it isn’t surprising that a number of these dining establishments have had to shut their doors and leave Singapore’s F&B industry. Over the past few months, we’ve heard of the closing of a number of reputable restaurants across our little red dot and it is truly heartbreaking.

Just recently, there have been rumours that Stärker Group has become one of the next casualties of the pandemic. Are these, however, true? We will find out by 10 June 2020.


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