Located along 107 Owen Rd, Heng Heng Bak Kwa Teh is an old-school eatery known for its traditional Bak Kwa Teh and steamed fish.
The famous eatery has been around for more than 30 years and it has garnered a loyal following over the years.
Located along 107 Owen Rd, Heng Heng Bak Kwa Teh is an old-school eatery known for its traditional Bak Kwa Teh and steamed fish.
The famous eatery has been around for more than 30 years and it has garnered a loyal following over the years.
Now that eating out is no longer an option, takeouts are going to make more frequent appearances in our daily routines. But, we’re not complaining.
With numerous restaurants in Singapore pushing out new takeaway menus and offers during this COVID-19 period, takeaways have never looked more exciting. Think barbecued meats platters and paellas still sizzling in greased pans.
Sure, heading out to get food may not be as convenient as just boiling up some instant noodles. But, let’s do what we can to support our F&B businesses during this trying period.
We’ve rounded up 34 restaurants in Singapore with new takeaway menus and promotions during this circuit breaker! So, grab your containers and bags and let’s get down to business.
Eating out can be all fun and games but there are just those days when our legs just don’t feel like cooperating. All we want to do is just sprawl across our bed and cosy up with our favourite Netflix show.
Well, thank God for food delivery services. Whether you’re getting emotional over Crash Landing On You or at the edge of your seat watching Money Heist, you can always get grub served to you at your doorstep in minutes.
We’ve put together a list of 6 comfort foods to accompany your binge-watching sessions and where you can get them from. Take your pick from chewy Korean noodles to Japanese rice bowls!
We are really spoilt for choices when it comes to food in Singapore. Other than having brunch, kaya toast or dim sum with the family, there are also many people who enjoy having Bak Kut Teh (a must-try Singapore food) on a weekend morning.
The contenders for the best Bak Kut Teh in Singapore are: Founder Bak Kut Teh at Balestier road, Outram Park Ya Hua Rou Gu Cha, Song Fa Bak Kut Teh opposite the Central and of course, Ng Ah Sio Bak Kut Teh at Rangoon road.
It started with another email thread again, this time Camemberu suggested to check out the famous Founder Bak Ku Teh and a date was set. I don’t usually write posts about hawker food. It’s not like I don’t eat hawker food, but the problem is I have too many backlogs of the nice places that I went recently.
Wake up early early on a Sunday Morning to have breakfast with Mister Ang and Mister Ong. Cos mister ang say he long time never wake up early to have breakfast liao, and also i seldom got wake up early to have breakfast with mates one. So here we go, at first wanted to have dim-sum, but in the end we chose Bak Ku Teh. Mister Ang say there are two more famous one in Singapore, one being in Balestier (which S.H.E frequents when they come Singapore), and the other one which we went Ng Ah Sio at Rangoon road, which is the one that appears in the news last time because it refuse/cannot serve the HK Chief Executive, Donald Tseng at night. Rangoon road off Serangoon a bit far, but Mister ang driving, so no problem!
True to its name, when we arrived at 9am, it was close to full house already. But luckily for us, we got a table immediately and start ordering. While waiting for the food to come, we started experimenting with the teapot. Although we got eat Bak Ku Teh before, but none of us actually know the correct way to make the tea (usually other people do it for us). So we put in the tea leave and mister ong start pouring the water. But later we find out the correct way should be rinse the teapot with hotwater once first, den put in the tea leave? O well, since we are not very particular about tea, no harms done!
The main charactor of the day, Pork Ribs ($5.50)!! Now, i am not a expert in Bak Ku Tea, according to Mister Ang & Ong who had been to the Balestier one, the one here soup is different, must be the ingredients different, the pork ribs and the soup are better than the Balestier one (quote them not me)
Pork legs. Mister Ong and me don’t really like eating pork legs because got fat fat skin, but Mister ang likes so we ordered one plate and it turns out to be quite good! Not really a lot fat meat, except for the skin. But if compared to the Balestier Bak Ku Teh, they say the pork legs there are better than here. Your judgement, your call. Its good n’uff for me
We also had peanuts and you tiao (which i believe everyone knows how it looks like so i am not showing). Total bill was $32 for 3 person, is it expensive? A bit i guess, considering we had it for breakfast, but once in a while its ok. The place at Rangoon road off Serangoon road was quite inacessible if you are not driving, a 10min walk from farrer park mrt i think. Also, free-flow of soup, you can always “top-up” yr pork rib soup if not n’uff!
208 Rangoon Road 218453
Tel: 6291 4537
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