7 Travel Costs Reduction Tips That You Probably Did Not Know About

Travel Tips

The biggest setback most travellers face is usually finance related. But did you know that there are many ways you can cut back on the seemingly hefty amount? All you need is to channel a little more energy and you will be surprised by how the amount of money you can save!

From buying unwanted tickets at heavily discounted prices to getting free accommodation, travelling is now made so much more affordable than before. We want to share with you useful travel tips on how you can still board the plane to your dream city.

So without further ado, here are 7 Useful Travel Costs Reduction Tips That You Probably Did Not Know About!


10 Signs You Are A Wanderluster


With a strong innate desire to explore, wanderlusters are lured by the thrills of discovering new places and will seize any travel opportunities presented to them. These explorers have been bitten by the travel bug and have an insatiable desire for more travels.

Do you find yourself constantly making plans for your next overseas getaway while everyone else is busy arranging activities for the weekend? Are you often on the hunt for the next flight out of your current city of residence and spending all your savings on travels?


Why You Should Quit Your Unhappy Job And Travel

Palm Tree

If you clicked on this article, chances are, you are a 20-something or 30-something full-time employee who feels like you’ve been tolerating the humdrum 9-to-6 life for far too long.

So here’s an idea: quit. Then pack your bags, and go travelling. Yes, make that drastic decision, be a little daredevil – you won’t regret it. Let me tell you why you should quit your unhappy job and travel.


Editor’s Note April 2013


Travelling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

I have always advocated seeing the world because there are no nother ways to educate and better yourself than to get out of your comfort zone and be awed by the vast horizons and boundless skies of the world.

In 2012, I vowed to visit a city once a month, I accomplished it, and was beyond pleased with myself. 2013 has kick-started well with a few trips by far, and a few more planned for the next quarter. In the month of April, we celebrate travelling, because we all deserve to learn.

Expect articles on travelling on a budget, where to stay, packing tips, places to eat and postcards from the cities worth visiting. I am a voyager, and I will always want to be one. You can, too. Here’s to leading a fulfilling life and seeing the world to enrich ourselves.

Have a happy April!