Refinery Concepts — 13 Restaurants With 15% Discount Including Fat Cow And Bedrock Bar &Grill

refinery concepts collage.

Refinery Concepts has over a decade of experience in creating, curating and operating unique F&B concepts in Singapore. To date, they have successfully managed a spectrum of stellar dining establishments with the likes of cosy cafes, bespoke bars and fine dining restaurants.

For all you foodies out there who love a good deal, we have some great news for you. From now until the end of December 2019, swipe your Mastercard at any of the 13 dining concepts by Refinery Concepts and get 15% off your total bill! Names to look out for amongst the slew of participating restaurants are Fat Cow, Bedrock Bar & Grill, The Marmalade Pantry and Oriole Coffee + Bar.

If you have always wanted to dine at some of the mentioned restaurants but your wallet hasn’t been the most forgiving, this 15% discount gives you more reasons to try them out. We are definitely going to revisit some of our favourite places.


Somersby’s New Sparkling White Cider – Inspired By The Taste & Aroma Of White Wines

Somersby Sparkling White Cider

Light, crisp and thoroughly invigorating, Somersby’s premium range of ciders—including the very popular Sparkling Rosé—have revolutionised the way we think, drink and feel about ciders by showing us its lighter side without the unpleasant bitterness. As Singapore’s favourite cider brand since 2012, they have never failed to maintain an innovative range of refreshing ciders that always hits the spot.

Somersby has always believed in promoting open-mindedness and sunny togetherness. With this in mind, here comes the new Sparking White Cider—a drink that will definitely spark joy.

Inspired by the taste profile and aroma of white wine, Sparkling White Cider is the marriage between a refreshing cider and white wine; bubbly, fruity and crisp minus the bitter and astringent after-taste of wine.


Shake Shack Is Finally In Singapore And There’s A Singapore-Exclusive Menu


We’ve waited long and we’ve waited hard for this very day and it is finally here.

The Famous American burger chain Shake Shack has FINALLY set foot on our sunny little island with their new outlet at Jewel Changi Airport. Done are our days of enviously scrolling through our social media platforms and seeing pictures of our friends enjoying one of Shake Shack’s juicy, lip-smackingly good burgers — now we can have them too!

Shake Shack Singapore’s menu is similar to the one in the US and South Korea with goodies such as ‘Shroom Burger, Shack-cago Dogs and of course, their signature ShackBurger. Aside from that, they also have some Singapore exclusive items such as pandan shakes and a mango dessert.


Interview with Hong Kong Media

Hong Kong Media Interview

When I was in Hong Kong during Social Media Week, I spent a day doing interviews with the Hong Kong Media – Oriental Daily, HKET, WOM guide, and TimeOut magazine Hong Kong. Here are three of them, the last one with WOM guide is not ready, will let you guys know when it’s out.

ODN Interview

Interview with Hong Kong Oriental Daily.

Timeout interview

I took a screen shot of the TimeOut interview, you can read the original article here.

Singapore Food Blog on August Man

Singapore Food Blog

My food blog has been featured in August Man’s February issue (p126 & 127). This month, they have a special Social Media edition which talks about how Social Media has changed our lives and the way we communicate with everyone. Facebook, twitter, youtube, flickr, and blogs have become part of our daily routine.

In the article, I shared two of my food reviews on the Japanese desserts from Flor Patisserie and the Champagne Dim Sum Brunch Buffet at Cherry Garden.

Have a good week everyone!

The Truth about this Singapore Food Blog

Updated: Thank you everyone for the support, and to Wendy (Xiaxue) for her defense.

I am aware of the articles that have been circulating in my absence, regarding an accusation that I visited a restaurant and asked for a waiver on their meals. I would like to make certain clarifications here.

1. The Basis of Food tasting events

Food tastings in the Singapore food scene are regularly organized and non-obligatory events. Any food blogger who has been invited to one to sample delicacies of the particular restaurant will agree that it is akin to inviting someone into their house. According to the dictionary, an invitation is, “The act of inviting; solicitation; the requesting of a person’s company”.

2. Invitation to the restaurant

Story: The articles seemed to suggest that I paid the restaurant a visit on my own accord, that I walked into the restaurant and announced myself as a food blogger.

Fact: This is not true. I was invited to a food tasting session by Melanie, PR Manager for the Restaurant. The first invite came June 2nd. I was unable to make it then and it was not until Friday, August 20th that I scheduled the Sunday brunch. In the invite, i was told to bring a guest.


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