Little Pancakes Upper Thomson Singapore

Little Pancakes Cafe

Yet another pancake shop has popped up in the neighbourhood. This time, it’s Little Pancakes, located in the Upper Thomson area. What sets these pancakes apart, as the shop’s name suggests, is their size. Serving miniature pancakes that are about 3 inches in diameter, Little Pancakes offers both sweet and savoury options on the menu.

Interestingly, they also have an ‘Asian’ section in their menu, with choices such as Singaporeans Unite (pancakes served with local toppings such as kaya, butter condensed milk). My dining partner and I were in the mood for dessert, so we shared two sweet options.

The first was Gimme S’more Oreos ($8.20). The toasted marshmellows, oreos and chocolate ice cream were relatively ordinary, except for the maple syrup, which I found to be excellent.

Our second option was Mr. Bean Turns Red ($8.50), served with green tea ice cream and a side of Azuki red beans. Combining Asian dessert with western pancakes is a refreshing idea, and made for a surprisingly good dish. Most importantly, I thoroughly enjoyed the pancakes, as they were fluffy, buttery, and easy to eat. Do visit Little Pancakes if you are in the neighbourhood, but come early, as seating is limited and fills up quickly!

Little Pancakes
200 Upper Thomson Road
#01-04 Thomson Imperial Court
Tel: +65 6258 8515
Mon: 1pm – 11pm
Wed to Fri: 1pm – 11pm
Sat: 11am – 11pm
Sun: 11am – 9pm

About the writer:
Amanda is a Singaporean with a passion for good food, fashion, and travelling. She is currently attending boarding school in the United Kingdom, and looks forward to many such new experiences after she begins university next year. Follow her adventure on instagram.