Nuffnang Blog Awards 2011 – Best Food Blog

Nuffnang Blog Awards

Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards 2011

ladyironchef is nominated as one of the five finalists for the Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in the Best Food Blog Category. (:

The NAPBAS is a celebration of the best blogs in Asia Pacific and best of all, it gives us the chance to get together and have fun! The competition for this year’s Nuffnang Blog Awards is extremely tough; the nominated bloggers are from all over the region in Asia Pacific including Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Philippines, Hong Kong, and China.

Nuffnang blog awards photo

No matter what the outcome for the best food blog category, I am grateful that I am able to do what I love, and I am thankful to have all of you with me on this amazing journey.

Updated: Voting has started and it will end on 27th November (you can vote once every twenty minutes). Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards will be held in Kuala Lumpur on the 16th December.

Vote for ladyironchef here!