Taiwan: Kaohsiung-Tainan

19 Sep 2007

Entering day 4 of our trip, we are in Kaohsiung now. We had breakfast at the hotel restaurant as usual, but today’s breakfast is rather lousy, first of all, its a buffet, but they only give us one plate, one bowl (for porridge), one pair of chopstick and one spoon. The plate and bowl have to re-use.

When you encounter problems like this, the tip is: take more of those food you find acceptable. lol!

After breakfast, we proceed on to Mei Jia Nong Shu Chun, a Hakka Village. The places showcast the Hakka culture, from the stuff they use, to the food they eat.


Arhh.. the highlight of this post, our lunch! Be warned, this is not a ordinary lunch, neither is the place ordinary. This ‘Wu Jiao’ restaurant is one a kind, never-seen-before, extraordinary place. The theme? The entire structure or building pillar is designed using tree logs! Cool right? All right then, take a peek inside! 


Taa-daa!! Does it looks more like a greenhouse than a restaurant to u?


Cant remember whats this

The ordinary yet delicious sweet sour pork is extraordinary here

Cod fish which is super nice


Hmm.. the meal taste superb! But is it really the chef cook so well? Mayb not, because the environment surroundings, plus the excellent presentation of food on specially-designed plates (by the boss herself) makes the food look food, resulting in you feel hungry, which in turns makes the food taste well. But lets not care whether the food taste good or not, kudos to the boss who make this place happen, who spend effort in designing up the place, and even carving the design for the utensiles.

After we finish our meal, we head up to the second level for some exploration. Gee! When we go the place not very crowded, so the second level is not used. But nice place really.

The end of this special meal marks the end of this post. The next post we will be going to Ri Yue Tai, and at night we will stay in Tai zhong, where we will visit Feng jia ??. Stay tuned!!

For the full post, please go to ladyirontravel

” Presentations make the food, the food make us “