Sydney Fish Market Is Set To Move – And It Will Be Twice The Size

New Sydney Fish Market

It is official: New South Wales’ Sydney Fish Market will be moving.

The Australian seafood market will continue operations in its original venue until its new home next door is completed in 2020. It has been in its current location at Blackwattle Bay for half a century and is Southern Hemisphere’s biggest fish market; every year, a whopping 13,500 tonnes of seafood is traded here.

The iconic Sydney Fish Market was never intended to become a popular tourist attraction. However, a study undertaken by Deloitte Access Economics has revealed interesting insights – a fifth of its annual three millions visitors are tourists! The new market will be two times bigger and it is hoped that the new facilities will double the annual number of visitors to six million.


A Scoot Adventure in Sydney

Sydney Opera House

I’ve had the chance to go on different media junkets over the last few years, and while all of them are very special, my recent trip to Sydney with Scoot Airlines was particularly memorable. We were part of Scoot’s inaugural flight, we ate our way around the city, we went skydiving, as well as the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb. It was in short, an awesome trip.

Scoot AdventureWith my awesome travel partner Dawn

It is so much easier to get to Sydney from Singapore now that Scoot is flying there. Here are some things you can do in Sydney, read on to find out about our adventure!