Stellar Dining Series By The Ritz Carlton 2019 — Showcasing The Beauty Of Guangzhou With Food


Most people define a city’s rich culture and heritage by its history, architecture and language. However, to us, the true way of getting to know a place is through food. As the saying goes, food is the way to the heart, and there is no better way to fall in love with a city than by indulging in their rich culinary scene.

We had the opportunity to attend the Stellar Dining Series by The Ritz Carlton 2019 in Guangzhou, the final pitstop of the entire event. This is its second year running and the whole series spanned across 2 months and 3 countries — Tokyo, Kyoto & Guangzhou — three of Asia-Pacific’s most renowned gourmet destinations.

This multi-sensory adventure saw exciting collaborations between Michelin star chefs, star mixologists, sommeliers and pâtissiers from 7 Ritz Carlton hotels in Europe and Asia from places such as Tokyo, Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou. Together, while holding nine Michelin Stars between them, they whipped up a series of lavish, gastronomic feasts that left us gobsmacked and hankering for more.

Aside from the luxurious spread, we also got a chance to learn more about gorgeous Guangzhou through its cuisine. Despite the trip only being 3 days long, we managed to get a substantial taste of the history of this beautiful province by tryng their unique local dishes.


Thipsamai Restaurant - Is This The Best Pad Thai In Bangkok?

Thipsamai Pad Thai

A classic favourite for many in Thailand is pad thai. Sweet, nutty and full of varying texture, this stir-fried noodle dish is a must-try when you visit the land of smiles.

Of course, some places do up the dish better than others and one place that is dubbed to have the best pad thai in Bangkok is the legendary Thipsamai. The pad thai here is so famous that they have even earned themselves a Bib Gourmand award by the Michelin Guide.

Located on the outskirts of Chinatown, Thipsamai has been around since 1966 and the store is constantly flooded with both tourists and locals. However, like every other hyped up establishment, the real question is, are the insanely long queues really worth it?