Nanyang Culinary Club – Casual Eatery With Authentic Hakka Yong Tau Foo & Baked Herbal Chicken

Nanyang Culinary Club

Founded by Chong’s Yong Tau Foo and Pokpok Keh Pink Salt Chicken, Nanyang Culinary Club is a casual eatery in Little India near Rochor MRT Station which dishes out homely dishes including authentic Hakka Yong Tau Foo, tender baked herbal chicken, as well as old-school local beverages such as Kopi-cino, Milo-cino and Bandung-cino.

Located just a stone’s throw from Rochor MRT Station, Nanyang Culinary Club is a cosy eatery with a heritage decor where you can listen to Xinyao music and enjoy affordable local food.


12 Indian Joints In Little India To Refuel After Your Mustafa Shopping Spree

Indian Food Joints Near Mustafa Cover

Any Singaporean who has not visited Mustafa—a glorious 24-hour megamall in Little India— is certainly losing out big time. With six different entrances, it takes a certain level of skill to navigate the madness within.

After a whole day of shopping at Mustafa Centre, head over to one of the many excellent Indian F&B joints around the area to fill your tummy up with rich Indian curry, crispy prata and hearty murtabak.

If you have no idea which Indian joint to pick, refer to our list of 12 Superb Indian Joints In Little India To Refuel After Your Mustafa Shopping Spree.