Nassim Hill Bakery Opens A Second Outlet At Killiney Post Office building In Somerset

Nassim Hill Killiney

Established in 2012 at Tanglin Post Office Building, Nassim Hill Bakery is best known for its brunch dishes and fresh bakes. The original outlet is a pet-friendly cafe and it is absolutely perfect for families looking to unwind over the weekend, if not, casual drinks at the bar with your mates.

Nassim Hill Bakery has opened a second outlet at the Killiney Post Office building, on Level 2 of KPO Café Bar.


Suanthai Restaurant Killiney Road

Mango Salad

I like to go to the Killiney area for food as it is within town, yet slightly off-the-track. Most of the restaurants there are usually not very crowded; you can easily walk in and get a table without making any reservation.

However, if you are thinking of going to Suanthai Restaurant after reading this review, make sure you call to reserve a table – the $19.9++ Thai Buffet is one of the most popular options in town, and they are always packed during mealtimes.


Senki Japanese Buffet Restaurant Singapore

Senki Japanese Buffet

I have been wanting to try Japanese Buffet for very long. After doing my research, most people seemed to agree that Ikoi Japanese Restaurant at Hotel Miramar, Irodori Japanese restaurant at River View Hotel and Senki Japanese Restaurant at Killiney road are amongst the best Japanese Buffets in Singapore.

As my friends have been to Ikoi and Irodori Japanese restaurant before, we ended up at Senki Japanese Restaurant for the buffet dinner.