5 Restaurants In Singapore Where Your Kids Can Dine For Free

Kids dine for free

Raising kids in Singapore is not a cheap affair and a family meal can be costly, especially when you bring them to a good restaurant; even kids’ meals at many eateries do not come cheap.

We often see parents sharing mains with their little ones—either to save money or to “not waste food”. More often than not, it’s the former.

Fortunately, there are some restaurants in Singapore that have been generously offering free meals for children. Here are 5 Restaurants in Singapore Where Kids Dine For Free.


7 Exciting Events That Are Taking Place in Singapore This August 2016

august singapore

This August sees Singapore turning 51 years old, Charlie Puth performing in Singapore for just a night, and a series of performances taking place in conjunction with Singapore International Festival of Arts.

Get your calendar ready, because we are just about to share with you several highlights this August that you would be interested in.

From the annual Durian Festival, Universal Studios Singapore’s Soak Out Water Party to the last leg of The Great Singapore Sale, here are 7 Exciting Events That Are Taking Place in Singapore This August 2016.


Christmas Wonderland at Gardens By The Bay – Here’s What To Expect

Christmas Wonderland

Christmas Wonderland at Gardens By The Bay – Singapore’s biggest yuletide fair - is probably the most talked about attraction in Singapore this Christmas.

Christmas Wonderland is for everyone – young and old, lovers and friends. The Garden lights up in full glory when night falls, and it is a picturesque sight that is nothing short of stunning. It is little wonder everyone is putting this on their Christmas to-do list.

It runs from 27 November 2015 to 03 January 2016, and is open from 4pm to midnight daily. If you are planning a trip, here is a simple guide on What To Expect At Christmas Wonderland at Gardens By The Bay.


10 Kid-Friendly Restaurants in Singapore For The Whole Family

Fresh Fruits Lab Kids Friendly Cafe

We understand that not every restaurant in Singapore is kids-friendly and parents often end up having to compromise on their food preferences and/ or places to dine at. And this post is dedicated to all selfless parents out there who always place their children’s needs ahead of theirs. Dining is a social activity that one and all should enjoy, and you need not alienate yourselves from the scene just because your little ones can’t be with you.

We have these featured restaurants that are complete with baby chairs, kids’ menus and kids’ utensils. There are also exciting activities within the premises to keep the young entertained while the adults indulge in some great food.

From entertaining the toddlers with District 10 UE Square’s weekend bouncy castles to bonding with your children over DIY pancakes at Slappy Cakes, Singapore has an increasing number of restaurants that are catered to family’s needs.

Here is our guide to the Kids-Friendly Restaurants in Singapore.


11 Kid-Friendly Cafes in Singapore To Bring The Little Ones


As you become parents, it’s inevitable for you to put the needs of your children before your own and to make sure that they are well-fed even when you are bringing them along for a gathering with friends, hence the constant need to look out for Kid-Friendly Cafes in Singapore. Some cafes only offer main course items in their menu, which is often frustrating as you cannot possibly stuff your children with such large portions of food.

Other than the portioning, another concern for parents is to make sure that their children can be kept occupied after the meal. Thankfully, most cafes in this list provide outlets of entertainment such as playgrounds or art and craft activities to keep your children engaged while you chat the afternoon away with your pals. These amenities are often available within your reach so your children will not be able to escape from your sight.

Without further ado, we share with you 12 Kid-Friendly Cafes in Singapore. Now, you and your little ones have more options when dining out!


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