8 Ways To Have An Epic Solo Trip #YOLO

Positano Beach

So you have decided to embark on your solo trip and it can be pretty nerve wrecking if this is your first time. Even for seasoned solo travelers, there is no guarantee that they will not meet with challenges along the way.

An issue that is prominent but not talked about often is the loneliness one feels when traveling alone. Oh, you will be surprised how lonely people actually feel at times on their solo trip behind all those glamorous Instagram pictures you see on their feed.

Still, this should not stop you from going after your dream to see the world. Whether you are reading this as a form of preparation before you go for your trip or are currently traveling, here are 8 Ways To Have Fun On A Solo Trip. READ ON

8 Tips On How To Plan For Your First Solo Trip

Solo Travel

Those who have taken a solo trip often describe it as a life-changing experience that they will never forget. When you are alone, you get to discover not just new cultures and traditions but more about yourself too. You might find yourself picking up a new language or hobby that is not common in your home country.

Of course, things can be very different when you are out there alone without your family and friends to fall back on. It takes plenty of courage to blend into a completely new environment that you are not familiar with.

Going solo means that there are also many opportunities for things to go wrong but with some preparations done beforehand, you minimise the chances of getting into an unexpected and unnecessary predicament. If you have been thinking of planning a solo trip for yourself, here are 8 Tips For Planning Your First Solo Trip. READ ON

5 Ways A Solo Trip Will Change Your Life Forever

How solo travel will change you

For me, travelling has always been all about the experiences. I may be visiting the same places and sampling the same food as my friends, but because we view the world through different lenses, what’s significant to me may not have as profound an impact on someone else.

Of course, traveling in a group has its perks, but it’s a completely different ballgame when you’re on your own. Loneliness is a feeling we all abhor. No one wants to be isolated and all alone, especially while overseas, when you don’t know a single soul.

But get this: a solo trip doesn’t necessarily mean a lonely trip – that’s a misconception we’ve got to tear down. You may be traveling by yourself, but there will be a whole bunch of fellow globetrotters and locals you can hang out with if you just put yourself out there and be open to whoever comes across your path. Don’t worry about people perceiving you as a ‘loner’ just because you’re dining by yourself. I admit, it can be pretty daunting at first. But you’re in an exciting new country – just shake it off, let loose and enjoy yourself.

If that isn’t convincing enough, here are 5 reasons how a solo trip can change your life.


Travel Tips for Solo Travellers

Travelling tips

Travel Tips for Solo Travellers

I vividly remember my first experience of travelling to a foreign city alone. A few years ago, I went to Kuala Lumper to visit my food blogger friends. While it was a relatively short trip, it was enough to get me hooked on the idea of travelling alone.

I was intoxicated by the idea of venturing out to see the world by myself. A few months after my Kuala Lumpur trip, I took the plunge and went on an solo adventure to Sydney. Ever since then, I never looked back.

I like travelling alone because I feel that it gives us the opportunity to rediscover and find out more about ourselves.

If you’ve always wanted to travel alone, plan a trip and go for it! I promise you will be rewarded by the experience. But before you go, let me share some tips on travelling alone.