24 Chinese Restaurants in Singapore That Are Open During Lunar New Year 2019

Restaurants That Are Open During CNY 2019

The time of the year has come again for family and friends to gather for reunion dinners. Most of us will be busy going around house visiting and catching up with relatives, and it comes naturally that many Chinese restaurants will shut their doors on these days as we spend our time celebrating this holiday.

If you are worried about cooking up an impressive feast for your guests and all the hassle involved, fret not for there are actually quite a handful of Chinese restaurants in Singapore that are still open during this period!

Here we have sussed out 24 Chinese Restaurants That Are Open During Lunar New Year 2019 where you can feast on traditional Chinese delicacies, lavish buffet spreads and more!


19 Restaurants That Are Open During Chinese New Year 2018

Restaurants Open During CNY 2018

While the majority of Chinese restaurants are likely to give themselves a break during the Lunar New Year to indulge in all the season’s festivities, little do many realise that the restaurant scene will still be fairly active during this period of celebration.

Whether it’s a seafood feast you crave, a dim sum brunch to commence the weekend proper, or a luxurious buffet spread that features a myriad of traditional Chinese New Year delicacies and more, the options are pretty much inexhaustible.

Panicky because your family has no reunion plans during the Lunar New Year? Stay calm, help is here. Here is our list of 19 Chinese restaurants that will stay open during Chinese New Year 2018.

Champagne Dim Sum Brunch Buffet at Cherry Garden

Champagne Brunch Cherry Garden Singapore

Champagne Dim Sum Brunch buffet at Cherry Garden

After I took sip(s) of champagne, someone stared at me for giggling, but ten seconds later, she did the same thing. Champagne does funny things to people, and you know what? Weekends are meant for Champagne Brunch!

I never liked the idea of Dim Sum Buffet. Before my virgin attempt at Cherry Garden’s Champagne Dim Sum Brunch, that is. It seemed ridiculous to me that I’d have to fork out 50 bucks just to gorge myself silly, when I could have treated myself better by going ala carte style and probably pay a lot lesser.


Are Restaurants in Singapore Changing Plates too often?

Eco Friendly restaurants

When I was having dinner at a Chinese restaurant two weeks back, I was rather disturbed by the staffs who constantly changed my plates even though I told them it’s all right to leave it. It’s fine to change my plates when they are dirty and almost filled, but it is entirely a different matter when the plate is hardly touched and they insist on changing it.

Honestly, I’m not the biggest environmental-conscious person around. But when you hang out with Miss Earth Singapore, it’s really impossible not to be influence by her. Along the way, I started to think about some of our actions that have an impact on the environment.

How often should we change our plates during the course of dinner? And what can we do more to support the Eco friendly restaurants?