8 Places That Sell Sinfully Buttery Kueh Lapis In Singapore For The Kueh Lovers

Best Kueh Lapis

Buttery, fragrant and dense, these are all the components that make up the perfect slice of kueh lapis. This popular, multi-layered Indonesian cake is a traditional dessert that Singaporeans love to indulge in, especially during tea-time.

lIf you’re hankering after a nostalgic slice of this goodness, we have here a list of 8 places that sell some of the best kueh lapis in Singapore.


15 Events In Singapore In February 2019 For Singles, Couples and Everyone Else

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February may be the shortest month of the year, but that doesn’t mean that there is any lack of activities out there to keep you entertained. With some pretty major holidays such as Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day creeping up on us, get ready for a never-ending list of events that will keep you on your toes.

Prepare your calendars and mark down these special dates, because while you may be busy with all the New Year festivities, gambling and feasting, you should take some time off to have a go at some of the other exciting things that February has in store for you.

From the annual Chingay Parade to seeing popular Kpop girl-group BLACKPINK perform live, buckle up because February is going to be one roller coaster of a good time!


9 Caterers With Feasts Fit For A King To Save Yourself The Hassle This Chinese New Year

Catering CNy 2019

Feeling a little down because the Christmas feasting has come to an end? Fret not as Chinese New Year is just around the corner, giving us even more reason to put our diets on hold.

As food and reunion dinners are one of the most important aspects of Chinese New Year, it is absolutely crucial that your family and guests are served with the very best. Therefore, we have compiled here a list of 9 caterers who will definitely not disappoint this Chinese New Year.


8 Hot Pot Restaurants In Singapore That Are Worth Braving 2-Hour-Long Queues For

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Despite the sweltering hot weather in Singapore, the one thing that we can all unanimously agree on is how lovely it feels to gather around a hot pot with our loved ones whilst dunking slices of meat and assorted raw ingredients into a pot of steaming hot broth.

Singapore has an abundance of hot pot restaurants, with many of them sprouting long queues that can last hours on end. With that, the real question is; are the queues at some of these places worth joining? Or is it just another overrated hot pot restaurant that doesn’t warrant the long wait?

If you’re looking for the answer to that question, we have here a list of our 8 favourite hot pot restaurants in Singapore that we feel are worth the long, snaking queues.


12 Incredible Fried Rice In Singapore That We Wish Home Economics Taught Us

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Fried rice is comfort food for the soul. Period. Who can resist a steaming plate of that fragrant goodness? However, despite it being one of the simplest dishes to put together, it takes a great deal of skill for one to be able to create the perfect dish of fried rice.

And what do we mean by that? Some basic criteria we have would be that the dish cannot be too oily, the rice has to be fluffy and charred just right, and there has to be the right balance of ingredients and rice.

While homemade versions will get you by, they most certainly aren’t memorable. Here, we have a list of our top 12 places that sell incredible fried rice in Singapore that we wish home economics class taught us back in school.

Chinatown Chinese New Year Market 2019 - The Year Of The Pig Has So Much In Store For You

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We’ve just finished celebrating Christmas and the New Year, yet we are already stoked to start our annual preparations for the next big exciting thing: Chinese New Year! There are lots to do leading up to the Lunar New Year celebrations, and what better place to soak in the festivities as well as to get all your Chinese New Year necessities than at Chinatown’s annual CNY night market?

The colourful streets of Chinatown are lined with a variety of stalls that sells everything you’ll need for the New Year. From shops that sell an assortment of traditional and contemporary snacks, ornaments and decorative pieces to roadside stalls that sell interesting knick-knacks and trinkets, we can foresee ourselves spending a very long time here over the next few weeks!


A Millennial’s Guide To 8 Chinese New Year Traditions And What They Represent


The Chinese  Lunar New Year sees a culmination of many things. Family gatherings, thematic costumes, lion dance displays, feasting and so much more. As millennials, we go through the motion of things year after year but has anyone actually stopped to understand why certain traditions and practices even exist in the first place?

Take the iconic yu sheng toss for example. It’s more than just a group of rowdy folks screaming and tossing food in the air in a barbaric fit. In fact, it is a tradition with so much meaning and positivity around it.

To ensure traditions live on, here is our guide to 8 Chinese New Year traditions that every millennial should know.


10 Affordable Dim Sum Places In Singapore That’ll Transport You To Hong Kong

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One thing that Singaporeans can’t get enough of is dim sum. There is just something so comforting about these small bamboo baskets of steamy goodness that make our mouths water.

Dim sum also comes in all shapes, sizes and flavours. So, whether you’re a sweet tooth, someone who prefers something savoury or someone who is picky about textures and flavours, there will definitely be some kind of dim sum out there that will suit your palates.

Affordable Dim Sum

However, a solid dim sum meal does not always come cheap. Most of the time, you can only find the good ones at restaurants, which can be a tad harsh on your wallet if you’re running on a tight budget. However, fret not because we have here, a list of 10 great dim sum places that serve quality dim sum at reasonable prices.


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