Trekking Up Mount Batur in Bali Before Sunrise – 9 Things One Should Expect and Prepare For


We love Bali for a sheer number of reasons; its beautiful beach clubs, serene rice paddies, mouthwatering Balinese cuisine, therapeutic body massages and more. But the highlight of our recent trip to Bali was the strenuous hike up Mount Batur – an active volcano located 1,717 metres above sea level – where we caught the most gorgeous sunrise in our entire lifetime.

Like most other travellers, we wanted to catch the glorious sun rising from the horizon and that meant we had to start our ascent at an unearthly 4am in complete darkness. Armed with nothing but a mini torchlight, we navigated our way up the unpaved mountain. The route was extremely steep and narrow, and we urge those suffering from scotophobia and acrophobia to think twice.

But trust us, the high from watching the stunning sunrise is absolutely worth the physical pain. From sacrificing sleep, hiking in pitch darkness to wearing appropriate clothing, here are 9 Things One Should Expect and Prepare For When Trekking Up Mount Batur Before Sunrise.


8 Affordable Bars in Beijing – Hidden Cocktail Bars And Popular Local Breweries

jing a beijing

In a city where Mandarin is the only language spoken amongst most natives, majority of non-Chinese travellers tend to find themselves lost when navigating around the capital of China. English information on Beijing’s bars is extremely scarce, too!

Many bars in Beijing are located in obscure and ancient alleyways or what they callĀ hutong. Most of them are dimly lit (or none at all), hence making the accidental discovery of bars almost impossible. Having said that, not every bar is situated in dingy alleys. To our surprise, most of these bars share an interesting vision of injecting Chinese elements into their brews and concoctions.

Through word-of-mouth recommendations from likeminded guzzlers, we have successfully narrowed down a wallet-friendly list. We understand that affordability is of utmost importance to travellers and we are no exception. From hidden cocktail bar Mao Mao Chong to award-winning local brewery Jing A, here is our guide to 8 Affordable Bars in Beijing. READ ON

Chouquette by Ollella – A New Cafe Specialising In French Choux

ollella cafe singapore

The number of specialty dessert cafes in Singapore is increasing, and when it comes to selecting a venue for afternoon tea or some me-time over sweets, we have more options these days.

Chouquette by Ollella, a pretty new kid in town, has caught our attention with an unlikely combination of artisanal French chouquettes (ranging from S$4 to S$5 each) and mouthwatering traditional Indonesian kueh lapis (S$1.50 per slice).

Chouquette by Ollella’s fancy-looking choux pastries and delicious kueh lapis are handcrafted lovingly by two talented sisters. The duo have given up their prospects in marketing and chemical engineering respectively to pursue their baking passions.

We paid Ollella a visit and here’s what we loved.


8 Thai Iced Milk Tea Desserts in Singapore For Every Cha Yen Lover

thai milk tea desserts

Everyone here knows the well-loved beverage Thai Milk Tea, yes? Also known as ‘cha yen’, the iced-cold drink is a refreshing thirst-quencher that is mixed with condensed milk and sugar.

The popularity of Thai milk tea has gone far and wide, where we are now seeing numerous unique dessert interpretations of it.

Here are 8 Thai Milk Tea Desserts in Singapore For Every Cha Yen Lover. So good that staying slim doesn’t seem that worth it after all.


8 Markets in London To Check Out

london markets

London – the capital of England – has plentiful of markets that sell all sort of items thinkable. From vintage dresses, antiques, classic fish and chips, flowers to fresh produce; you name it, you got it.

London also happens to be our favourite city in the world, and we really love London for these markets. Each market is inherently unique and that makes it all the more exciting to explore all of them!

From the popular open-air Camden Market, beautiful Convent Garden Market to the world’s largest antique bazaar Portobello Road Market, here is our guide to 8 Markets In London To Check Out.


8 Best Cities in Spain to Visit – And The Attractions You Must Not Miss

segovia aqeduct

Everyone knows Spain for their famous tapas and sangria, but did you know that according to Maps of World, there are at least 50 major Spanish cities? While this is great news for travellers who suffer from insatiable wanderlust, it has certainly made travel planning a little tougher for those who wish to see them all but have limited time and spending power.

The differing climates, demographics and history have shaped each destination into an inherently different Spanish city. Barcelona is arguably most visited for its captivating architecture work by Antoni Gaudi, Segovia is popular for its UNESCO World Heritage-listed ancient Roman Aqueduct, while Pamplona is renowned for its Running of the Bulls festival etc.

And then, we have many many many more.

From Ibiza, San Sebastian to Granada, here are 8 Best Cities in Spain to Visit and The Attractions You Must Not Miss.


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