How To Travel To Jakarta For 3D2N With Under S$300 (All-Inclusive)

Jakarta Guide

Lucky for us who stay in the little red dot, our home is in such close proximity to our neighbouring countries. This gives us an excuse to have a quick weekend getaway whenever a long weekend arrives or whenever there is an airplane ticket promo (whichever comes first).

And let’s face it, Singapore has everything we could possibly want. But once in a while, an exploring trip overseas wouldn’t hurt – for a different experience, for a weekend of alternative fun, for feasting on the food that we do not really get back home, for any and every reason you can possibly think of! Traveling needs no excuse, though.

Jakarta is literally a short one-hour plane ride away from Singapore and there is so much you might not know about this metropolitan. What if we tell you that with S$300, you could have 10 different experiences that expose you to the Indonesian culture, get a taste of some of Jakarta’s famous cuisines, and have some pampering?

If this gets your attention, keep reading this itinerary that consists of 10 things to do in Jakarta for 3D2N with under S$300.


10 Hotspots To See And Be Seen In Jakarta

Jakarta Restaurants

The hustle and bustle of the metropolitan Jakarta is dominated by the city’s young blood finding what’s hot in the latest social scene. Just like its neighbouring South East Asian capitals like Singapore and Bangkok, a high number of snazzy hangouts start popping up in different parts of the city.

Not to worry though, Jakarta definitely has something for everyone. Whether you’re the city’s cool hipsters, the exclusive elite club, the young and fabulous or the glamorous expats, you will find where you belong in Jakarta’s social scene.

But with such vibrant options of eateries and drinking haunts, don’t you sometimes get confused? Keep reading this guide that will spell out the 10 new hip destinations to check out in Jakarta!