19 Stunning Waterfront Restaurants In Singapore To Impress Bae

Waterfront Restaurants In Singapore

There is just something intuitive about our love for the sea which always has us longing for a beach holiday or a weekend spent basking in the warm sun and cool sea waters. Perhaps it is because of the comfort that we draw from looking out at the deep blue ocean or maybe we just need a break from the grunge of city life.

And if you have a passion for food, a meal by the waters should greatly appeal to you. Aside from being an extremely romantic place to share a meal with your partner, a view of the waterfront would be a fantastic way for you to engage in deep conversations about life over a meal.

Here are 19 Stunning Waterfront Restaurants In Singapore That Bae Will Love.


Waterfront Restaurants to watch Fireworks in Singapore

Where to watch Fireworks

There are many places where you can catch a glimpse of the fireworks, but they are more often than not packed with people who reserve their spots as early as the day before. We always prefer enjoying the spectacular display in comfort, and that is when we think of our favourite dining haunts which offer an unparalleled view all the same.

Here is our guide on waterfront restaurants to watch fireworks in Singapore.