Tokyo Travel Tips – 10 Things To Know To Avoid Death Stares & Trouble

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A city that hardly sleeps, Tokyo is among our top destinations around the world and is a place where amazing cuisine, culture and city life converge. Tokyo has literally everything for everybody from breathtaking sights and sounds of nature to bustling city life overflowing with mirth and energy.

It’s hard not fall in love with a place like Tokyo when it can offer you so much but we must admit that the city itself can prove to be rather daunting and the locals, intimidating if it’s your first time there. The Japanese people are very strict when it comes to the way they carry themselves and are also quick to judge those who aren’t—basically us tourists. And amidst the glamour of it all, Tokyo is also home to many dubious areas which tourists should definitely steer clear of.

To avoid receiving death stares, getting told off and unnecessary trouble, here are 10 things you should definitely take note of before travelling to Tokyo, Japan.

Tokyo’s Neighbourhood Guide

Tokyo Neighbourhood Guide

No matter how many times you have been to Tokyo, it is a place that you will fall in love with over and over again. Where do we begin? It is impossible to capture the essence of Tokyo in words or photos; it is a city like no other. There is always something new to discover in this amazing city. It is like every corner is blessed with magic, ready to enchant and bewilder. Can’t say for sure that there is only one pick, so here is a guide to our favourite neighbourhoods in Tokyo.