10 Quiet Cafes in Singapore To Get Lost In A Good Book Without Distractions

Quiet Cafes In Singapore

Throw a stone in any direction in Singapore and chances are, it’ll land on a cafe. It’s official, Singaporeans are mad about cafes—and we’re only getting madder. But gone are the days where cafes used to be places offering people a respite from the hustle and bustle, to catch up on reading or simply to lounge about in the comfort of good company, a nice warm beverage and a light snack to match.

Nowadays, the appeal of hipster cafes is a tad different. It’s all about the aesthetics, the so-called ’wow factor’ and whether or not certain qualities—be it the food, drinks or interior—are worthy of the ‘gram’ or not.

It’s times like these where one really should know where to find a nice quiet cafe, one devoid of the hipster crowd, the noise and simply a place that offers a conducive space to work, read or lounge about. Here is our list of 10 quiet cafes to get lost in a good book without distractions.

10 Cafes In Singapore Where You Can Work, Study or Have Some Quiet Alone Time

cover quiet cafes in sg

In the super fast-paced rat race in Singapore, it’s getting increasingly difficult to have more alone-time. It’s super hard just to get a few hours to ourselves, yet even then, we might have other priorities outside of work, school and all.

Quiet Cafes Singapore

Here’s a list of cafes you can visit if you want to take a short breather from life. They’re quiet and perfect for being alone while sipping on a hot drink, watching as life passes you by even just for an hour or two.


5 Charming Book Cafes In Singapore For When You Need To Be Away From People

Book Cafes in Singapore Collage

Instagram-worthy cafes are all the rage, with the photogenic walls and food that are impeccably plated. However, sometimes all we need is a comfortable place to lounge around while enjoying a good book.

Book cafes are highly underrated. How wonderful it is if we could just escape from the hustle and bustle of life, and just have some quiet time alone with a book in hand!

Sounds like something that appeals to you? We’ve collated a list of 5 Book Cafes scattered around Singapore to take you on a journey of a lifetime through its pages, all while enjoying a hot cup of joe and a delicious plate of food.


The Book Cafe Singapore

The Book Cafe

The Book Cafe is not a place that is known for food. Neither does it serve exceptional coffee. What sets them apart, however, is their cosy and relaxing atmosphere. It is a great chill-out place where you can sit down, have a cup of coffee, read a book, and watch the world go by. Besides having a wide selection of magazines and newspapers, the cafe also has plenty of power-points for folks who are on their laptops. Moreover, the food is relatively inexpensive. They serve simple food such as pasta, sandwiches, soup, sandwiches, desserts and all-day breakfast.

20 Martin Road
Tel: +65 6887 5430
Sun to Thu: 8.30am – 10.30pm
Fri & Sat: 8.30am – 12 midnight