6 Ways To Help Revive Singapore’s Economy After The End Of The Circuit Breaker


The day we’ve all been restlessly waiting for has come, and Singapore has finally exited the Circuit Breaker.

However, before we dash out of our homes in euphoria and attempt to carry out every single activity we’ve been waiting to do, we need to understand that our lives from now onwards will be a long stretch from what it previously used to be like.

As we rev our engines and restart our work towards normalcy, we have to remember that our society isn’t the same place that we left behind before we entered the Circuit Breaker.

Our economy is in shambles and Singapore will be entering a recession this year. A dark, ominous cloud looms above our heads, fuelled by a significant amount of uncertainty, especially over the duration and intensity of the period. Singapore’s GDP growth forecast for 2020 has been revised downwards to -7% to -4%, the lowest in Singapore’s history.

How long will we be stuck in this rut? How bad will it be? What can we do moving forward to prevent things from getting worse?

While you may think of yourself as a small speck in Singapore’s 5.6 million population, every effort counts and we all need to work together to save our little red dot. Don’t know where to start? Here are 6 ways in which you can contribute to getting Singapore back on her feet.


12 Dim Sum Delivery Options In Singapore With Islandwide Delivery

islandwide delivery for dim sum cover

Missing your weekly yum cha sessions with your family? Or have you just been craving for some dim sum? The Chinese-style delicacy features an assortment of bite-sized portions of food such as dumplings, buns and fried fritters that are served in little bamboo baskets. Unfortunately, unless you’re a pro in the kitchen, these morsels of joy aren’t easy to do up yourself.

Thankfully for us, there are many dim sum restaurants in Singapore that will be offering islandwide deliveries for dim sum during the Circuit Breaker period.

From the famous Swee Choon to the underrated Yi Dian Xin, we’ve got all your dim sum delivery needs covered. While we will have to do without the bamboo baskets and the experience itself, this shall suffice for now.


10 Western Food Hawker And Coffee Shop Stalls That Do Islandwide Delivery


Craving for western food while stuck at home during the Circuit Breaker? Fret not, as there are a number of eateries in Singapore serving Western fare that do islandwide delivery so you can get your chicken chop and fish & chips fix. 

While there are a number of western restaurants that already do islandwide deliveries, did you know that some of your favourite hawker and coffee shop stalls selling old-school and restaurant-quality western food have jumped onto the bandwagon and now offer islandwide western food delivery services during the Circuit Breaker too? We have here a list of such stalls so you can #supportlocal the next time you crave some good ol’ pasta or steak. 


66 Hawker & Zi Char Stalls That Offer Islandwide Delivery During The Circuit Breaker Period


Stuck at home during this Circuit Breaker period and you’re hankering for some chicken rice or fishball noodles? The good news is that some hawker and zi char stalls out there will be doing islandwide delivery so that you can get your favourite local eats without having to leave the house. At the same time, you can also support these local businesses during this trying period.

Here is a list of 24 hawker stalls and zi char stalls that offer islandwide delivery in Singapore. We will be adding more to the list, do share with us if you know any hawkers and local eateries that offer islandwide delivery.

Stay home and stay safe everyone!