The Populus Coffee & Food Co. – One Of The Best New Cafes In Singapore

The Populus Coffee Co

Opened by the folks behind Department of Caffeine and Two Degrees North Coffee Co., The Populus Coffee & Food Co. opened its doors to public late last year, and it has been our favourite cafe in Singapore since.

You see, The Populus Coffee & Food Co. is everything a good cafe should be – a neat decor with plants and natural sunlight, comprehensive food menu with wholesome meals and homemade desserts, and a brilliant cuppa.

With the rise of demands for cafes in Singapore, more and more are sprouting out across the island, but sadly, everyone is just cutting corners and compromising on the quality – whatever they are. Thank God The Populus Coffee & Food Co. is nothing like that at all, and they always strive to bring the best experience to cafe-goers.


Udders Ice Cream Singapore

Udders Ice Cream Singapore

I meant to blog about U.d.d.e.r.s Ice Cream during October as I was enjoying my ice cream every day (excuse: sorching hot weather), but obviously I didn’t. What I really wanted to tell you was this: no matter what you are doing, please remember to have your ice cream.

Udders ice cream is a local homegrown ice cream shop in Singapore that is famous for their ‘adult’ ice cream. If you like liqueur in your ice cream, you will like Udders ice cream.