Toast Hut – This Hawker Stall At Old Airport Road Food Centre Has The Best Kaya Toast & Kopi

Toast Hut

Nothing beats a good ol’ slice of traditional kaya butter toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast. For the uninitiated, kaya is a custard essentially derived from a mix of pandan, coconut milk, eggs and sugar to give it a creamy texture.

Toast Hut at Old Airport Road Food Centre is a stall you should make a point to travel to. Melvin Soh, the owner of Toast Hut, has been perfecting his craft of making the best kaya toast and traditional kopi since he was 23 years old.


8 Local Traditional Snacks That Singaporeans Love Because Old is Gold

Traditional Snacks cover

Singapore is known to be a paradise for foodies due to the plethora of cuisines available and we’re proud to call this place home. Traditional snacks tend to get overshadowed by more popular foods but there’s something about them being so simple that we love.

Old is gold; these snacks are comforting and really brings us back to our younger days. Here are 8 traditional snacks that we love and will definitely make you nostalgic.


Heap Seng Leong – Old-School Coffeeshop With Kopi Gu You & Kaya Toast

Heap Seng Leong Coffee Shop

Although kopi gu you is a dying tradition, Heap Seng Leong is one of the surviving coffee shops in Singapore that still sells this old-school drink. Entering their humble space is often described as walking into a museum showcase of a 1950s kopitiam. We settled in to the throwback of a place for breakfast with kaya toast, eggs, and kopi gu you.

Heap Seng Leong Kaya Toast

Everyone knows the iconic Singaporean kaya toast breakfast but have you tried it with a cup of traditional kopi that is served with a stick of butter in it? That, or steaming tea with condensed milk and a slab of yellow butter.

Kopi served with butter in it is called kopi gu you and literally translates to “coffee butter” in the Hokkien dialect. It is said to have been first found in Hainanese coffee shops in Singapore back in the 1930s. Today, instead of adding butter to coffee, coffee beans are usually first roasted in butter or margarine to achieve the same effect.