Biscuit King – Old-School Biscuit Shop That Sells Our Favourite Childhood Snacks

Biscuit King Shop

If you happen to be an avid fan of nostalgia, then Biscuit King is a place you most definitely have to check out. Situated along Upper Thomson Road, Biscuit King is just a few shops down from the famous Casuarina Curry Restaurant.

Stepping into this old-school biscuit shop will transport you back to your beloved childhood days—that is if you happen to be born before the late 90s.


19 Old School Singapore Snacks Every Kid From The ’80s & ’90s Loved

Singapore Old School Snack

The world is ever changing, and we are always on the lookout for food trends and new fads. Sometimes, we ditch things that are no longer attractive, or has no more popularity to boast. But there are many things that stay close to our hearts, for we grew up with them and memories of us as kids enjoying these snacks are always the fondest.

We took a long walk down memory lane, and dug out many treasures that we used to save our pocket money for when we were kids. Here is a list of 19 old school Singapore snacks every kid from the ’80s and ’90s loved. Which is your favourite?