Club Street Social

Club Street Social

There are many restaurants serving brunch, but most of them are only mediocre. Club Street Social – located at Gemmil Lane, a quiet corner off Club Street where you can also find Luke’s Oyster Bar – is definitely not one of them. I am not afraid to say that it is one of the best, if not the best brunch place in town. Trust me, that is no small praise.

Since going there, I’ve been recommending it to all my friends. If this is your first time hearingĀ  about it, I’d suggest going there soon before they get too popular.


Five & Dime Eatery River Valley Road

Five and Dime Big Brekkie

Located at 297 River Valley Road, Five & Dime Eatery is easily one of the prettiest restaurants in town.

Even though Five & Dime has only been around since the start of the year, it has already garnered a strong following, which is no mean feat considering the number of new restaurants and cafes.

Several of my friends were turned away when they went there without any reservations during the weekdays. And for weekend brunch, they offer three different seating at 10am, 12noon, and 2pm – a testimony of their popularity.

After going there for brunch recently, I can understand why they are so popular. While the food is not out-of-this-world good, I love the dining concept, and I had an enjoyable experience there. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Five & Dime Eatery is one of the best new restaurants in 2012.