Singapore Food Blog: Top 10 Posts for 2010

Singapore Food Blog

When I started this Singapore Food Blog, I would have never expected it to become what it is today, for that I’m extremely grateful for all the opportunities that I have been given. Even up till now, I’m still amazed that there are people who actually want to read about how hungry I am every day.

In the past twelve months, I travelled quite a bit. I made new friends, and lost some. I learned many new lessons, and grew up a little. My new mantra in life is to experience all the new things in this world. What’s there to lose when I don’t have anything?

To summarise everything that I ate and blogged in the past year, I’ll like to share with you the top 10 most popular posts on ladyironchef for 2010.


Are Restaurants in Singapore Changing Plates too often?

Eco Friendly restaurants

When I was having dinner at a Chinese restaurant two weeks back, I was rather disturbed by the staffs who constantly changed my plates even though I told them it’s all right to leave it. It’s fine to change my plates when they are dirty and almost filled, but it is entirely a different matter when the plate is hardly touched and they insist on changing it.

Honestly, I’m not the biggest environmental-conscious person around. But when you hang out with Miss Earth Singapore, it’s really impossible not to be influence by her. Along the way, I started to think about some of our actions that have an impact on the environment.

How often should we change our plates during the course of dinner? And what can we do more to support the Eco friendly restaurants?