Bob The Baker Boy Collaborates With KITKAT® For The Most Exciting Desserts Made With KITKAT®

Bob the baker boy kit kat

All hail Singapore’s official KITKAT® cakes! Local cake boutique Bob The Baker Boy has launched a very exciting collaboration with the household favourite chocolate brand with a series of baked goodies made with KITKAT®, and they got everyone in the team salivating. We were all looking forward to the day of the delivery!

And the cakes totally lived up to our expectations. We know we can always trust Bob The Baker Boy. They are a stalwart in customized cakes and over-the-top birthday cakes, and they are also our family’s go-to bakery whenever we need a cake or two for occasions and celebrations.

Actually, we always tell ourselves we don’t need a reason to eat cakes. With this new collaboration with KITKAT®, this mentality is perfect because birthday or not, have a break, have a KITKAT® cake by Bob The Baker Boy!