Shinleedoga Cafe – This Modern Hanok-Style Cafe With A Campfire Is A Must-Visit Spot In Seoul

Shinleedoga Cafe Seoul

Seoul is back in action and with borders lifted, everyone is flocking to the well-loved South Korean city for a holiday. When in Seoul, cafe-hopping is a must. The South Koreans take their cafes seriously – from the coffee and cakes, to the decor and even merchandise.

One that is gaining immense popularity is Shinleedoga Cafe, a huge hanok-style cafe Hongdae near to Hongik University, and it is frequented by students and young locals. You’d never expect to find a modern hanok-style cafe right in the middle of Hongdae.


12 Tips On The Best Things To See, Do & Eat In Hongdae, Seoul

 Hongdae Guide

Seoul is one of our favourite destinations in Asia and the city is known for its many distinct and lively districts where you will never get bored of the endless shopping, delicious local food and exciting things to do.

Ask any local where you should go when you are in Seoul and many will tell you that Hongdae is a neighbourhood you must not miss. It is not difficult to guess why Hongdae is one of the top choices—there is just so much going on!

From indulging in spicy Korean Army Stews and getting a tipple with your friends in a bar to street shopping and catching street performances, here are 12 Things To See, Do & Eat When You Are In Hongdae. READ ON

Reggae Chicken – Amazing Western-Style Fried Chicken in Hongdae, Seoul

Reggae Chicken Seoul Chicken

Reggae Chicken—a casual joint on the outskirts of Hongdae which specialises in Western-style fried chicken—looks very unassuming on the exterior and you might be slightly turned off by the narrow front as it looks slightly dodgy. We almost turned away but as night fell, the LED lights inside the restaurant lit up and familiar tunes from Bob Marley started playing. There and then, we were hooked.

With very limited seating, you will feel like you’re stepping into a cosy and humble fried chicken joint somewhere in Jamaica. This is exactly what sets it apart from the numerous Korean fried chicken joints in Seoul.


Ban Bossy Boutique – The Prettiest Cafe in Hongdae, Seoul That You Must Visit

Ban Bossy

Does the name ‘Ban Bossy Boutique‘ ring a bell? Those who have heard of the feminist movement in 2014 where the use of the term ‘bossy’ should be discouraged to describe women would probably know where this cafe got its inspiration from.

Boasting primarily pastel colours in pink, mint and white, walking into Ban Bossy Boutique is like stepping into Barbie-land. It is the perfect spot for afternoon tea with your girlfriends, complete with Instagram-worthy backdrops and an appealing array of cupcakes.

The beautiful cafe is tucked away on the third level of a building in Hongdae. The next time you find yourselves in Seoul, you know where to head to. READ ON

Mukshidonna Tteokbokki Restaurant In Seoul – Affordable And Addictive One-Pot Goodness

Seafood Tteokbokki

There are many one-pot goodness in the world – different varieties and all that – but there is nothing that has wow-ed us as much as Mukshidonna Tteokbokki Restaurant did.

We are going to have you read on, and you have to, because if you go to Seoul and you miss this, you are really missing out in life. Mukshidonna Tteokbokki Restaurant is completely our idea of comfort, and it is so affordably priced that you can eat it often.

Now, what exactly is the fuss that got us so excited? You are to find out in a bit.