Take The “No Waste” Challenge & Win A GoPro Camera, Daniel Wellington Watches

No Waste Challenge

People often associate good deeds with heaps of money or other big commitments. But these assumptions are not entirely right because you can still contribute to society without large amounts of time and/or money.

You can begin with everyday habits and that on its own is already a good cause! Think about how not wasting your food is one. It is really that simple, and by simply finishing everything on your plate, you are minimizing food wastage and that is already helping the environment. While the problem of increased wastage might not threaten us directly, our descendants will be the ones to clean up our mess.

To encourage everyone to commence this green movement, Singapore’s National Environment Agency is inviting everybody to participate in a “No Waste Days” Challenge, where selected participants stand a chance to win either a GoPro Hero4 Silver Camera worth S$590 or Daniel Wellington Watches worth S$198 each for their commendable actions in leaving less carbon footprints behind. Read on more to find out how we can all be part of this meaningful cause and how you can participate in this contest.


Earth Hour Singapore 2011

Earth Hour Singapore

“Going green is not about taking a leap of faith into the unknown. Rather, it’s about taking baby steps to make changes to our current lifestyle. Like a jigsaw puzzle, every little piece contributes to a bigger picture.” – Dweam.com

Earth Hour 2011 is taking place on the 26th March next saturday. The recent disaster in Japan has shown how fragile life is. This is surely a timely warning that Earth is not well, and we should do whatever we can to conserve energy. Simple things like reducing food wastage, switching off electrical appliances when not using, changes plates only when necessary can potentially make a big difference.

You don’t have to be an environmentalist to know that our actions have an impact on Earth. The beauty blogger has come up with some tips on how to conserve energy, it is really not that difficult to do our part for the environment.


How To Reduce Food Wastage in Singapore

Food Wastage in Singapore

“We should always use our influence to make positives changes to this world.”

Miss Earth Singapore is the one who taught me this, and like what I’ve mentioned before — it’s easy to be influenced by her passion to make changes and help the environment. Today, I’m not going to talk about the good food in Singapore. Instead, I will like to bring your attention to something more serious: Food Wastage in Singapore.

I’m not about to write a thesis on food wastage and starvation in the world. I’m definitely not dumb enough to bore you with the statistics, because chances are, you will just switch off and look at my other food reviews. Please give me a minute of your time to read this post, because everyone can play a part to help the environment.