AVA Recalls Chun Cui He Milk Tea Due To Food Safety Risks

Taiwan Chun Cui He Milk Tea

Chun Cui He milk teas from Taiwan have been driving Singaporeans crazy, and they have always been swiped off the shelves, despite being around for a little more than a month.

However, in a press statement released today, the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) has just announced that the famed milk tea will be recalled, as there is a food additive within the drink that is not permitted by Singapore standards.


Chun Cui He Milk Tea – Why It Is Not Worth The Hype

Chun Cui He Milk Tea

It is safe to say that everybody knows about the Taiwanese milk teas that have taken Singapore by storm. These Chun Cui He teas are stocked in selected 7-11 outlets around the island, and are available in extremely limited quantities.

The milk teas came to our shores recently, and they get swiped off the shelves every single time they are restocked. In fact, 7-11 has even issued notifications and announcements that customers are only allowed to purchase a maximum of 6 bottles at any one time.

But here is why we believe that the Chun Cui He Milk Teas Are Not Worth The Hype.