14 Kid-Friendly Restaurants & Cafes In Singapore Great For Your Little Ones

Kid friendly restaurants

Having kids is pure joy, right up until the point they start to whine, cry and cause a scene in public. That’s right, nothing sucks the living joy out of a family outing quite like a tantrum-throwing child.

Fresh Fruits Lab FFL Cake Decorating

Dining out is inherently difficult if you have a kid that’s easily restless but it doesn’t always have to be a problem. All you need is something that’ll keep them occupied, for instance, an iPad with cartoons playing on loop (as per the norm nowadays), or better yet, a kid-centric menu with attractive yummies or even space for them to run wild and free.

Don’t own an iPad? Well, fret not mommies and daddies because here is our list of 15 restaurants and cafes in Singapore that are great for your little ones, ensuring that you’ll be able to enjoy family time through proper bonding.

12 Kids Friendly Activities in Singapore To Plan A Fun-Filled Weekend For Your Family

Kids friendly activities Singapore

These days, the simplest way to engage a child is to pass him an electronic device. However, that is not the healthiest way – both physically and emotionally. Bonding with your child does not necessarily mean playing games or watching a movie together on an electronic device. Try ditching those devices for one day and spend some quality time with your little one!

Children just love to play. They are active learners who learn through play. Not sure where to bring them to? Here are 12 Kids Friendly Activities in Singapore! These places not only enhance parent-child bonding, but create fun experiences for the little darlings as well!


Guide to Dining at Changi Airport: 20 Places to Eat

Changi Airport Dining Guide

Singapore Changi Airport is more than just an ordinary airport, it is a delectable gourmet world with many restaurants, eateries and cafes serving cuisines from all over the world. And we swear this feature will have you develop a newfound love for dining at an airport.

Whether you are in transit, need to fill your tummy before a flight, or just simply want a good family dinner, our airport can be your answer for any occasion and with this post, we will prove the typical perception of airports having the worst food options wrong. Yes, you’ve got that right – you do not have to settle for horrible food with ridiculous price tags. Whatever your craving is, however much your budget is, even if you are on a mission to catch your plane and running out of time, there will always be food. You just have to decide what cuisine you like.

Seafood Paradise

Changi Airport is kindly giving away 3 X S$50 Changi Dollar Vouchers which you can use at your favourite shops or restaurants at the airport. To win the vouchers, leave a comment in this post to tell us your favourite dining option in Changi Airport. For more details of the giveaway, please read more at the end of this post.

Welcome to a gastronomical experience at our lovely world class airport. Here is a guide to dining at Changi Airport, featuring 20 restaurants, eateries and quickbites in the public and transit areas.


12 Things You Never Knew About Singapore Changi Airport

Changi Airport Guide

For frequent travellers like us, Singapore Changi Airport feels like our second home. But even though we head there on a monthly basis, we were somewhat astonished by how little we knew about our beloved airport – until a recent life-changing tour that had us falling in love with our world class airport on a whole new level.

From catching a free movie at the airport’s theatre, to taking a stroll at the Sunflower Garden and the Butterfly Garden – there are so many things to do, see and eat at Changi Airport before catching your flight. The next time you go on a holiday, be sure to arrive early at the airport because your holiday truly begins at Singapore Changi Airport.

Here are 12 things you never knew about Changi Airport.